FULL vs. JUST statistics


Junior Member
Right now, thru the 5th day of Just plain politics existance, we have 50 members.

When Full politcs began, under frustrating and extremely slow surfing/posting conditions at politics.com, and also with a full fledge ATTACK on to Politics.com members to join this site with post after post advertising the new site of fullpolitics...Full Politics acquired 80 members in the first 5 days of its existance....

I'd say, Damo's site is doing QUITE WELL!

Congrats Damo!
I like it, it took some getting used to because I was so accustomed to the other site, but the features here are far superior and the Admin is a 1000 times more ethical.
I like it too, though I still post on SR's site as well.

And you're right, Care: 50 members in such a short time is pretty impressive. Damo's done well.

BTW -- I clicked on this thread thinking it might be something to do with the dishonest way our gubmint compiles unemployment statistics. Silly me! :D
I made a lot of posts on fullpolitics before I was banned. But I have seen SR logged on to this site more in the last couple of days than I saw him on Fullpolitics...........
This place doesnt have 50 members, there are only 44 on the member list and of those 18 have 0-9 posts. In the first 5 days FP registered 80 and of those only 9 had 0-9. In reality, in the first 5 days the numbers reflect 26 regular posters for JPP and 71 on FP.

There was also never an advertising attack on politics.com, I posted one thread, thats all it took. The rest was from members asking their friends to come by.

Is there anyone here that doesnt have two names at the least? I know I do. I can go create 4 more and build up the stats here?

I like this site and advertised it on fp.com, joined here and am one of the highest contributing posters, but it looks like its just going to be a copy of fp.com. I think thats uncool.

Anyway, thought some facts might need to be thrown into the mix, obviously the board admin wasnt going to do it.

toby2 said:
I made a lot of posts on fullpolitics before I was banned. But I have seen SR logged on to this site more in the last couple of days than I saw him on Fullpolitics...........

who knows if youre the real toby or not, but you are not banned.

"Is there anyone here that doesnt have two names at the least? I know I do. I can go create 4 more and build up the stats here?"

I only have one.

I do not see that there is a competition between the two sites They both started under different circumstances.

FP started because we were forced out of politics.com. When we left p.com was not really a viable site. We were forced out and SR did a great job (one that most of us appreciate) in keeping us up and running. This helped him to have better numbers in the early days.

JPP started in someways as an escape of some upset posters and the creater simply started it because he wanted to give it a try. JPP did not attempt to take posters from FP.

Both sites have their pluses and minuses. I think both administrators should be thanked and complimented for the work they have done.

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I like this site and advertised it on fp.com, joined here and am one of the highest contributing posters, but it looks like its just going to be a copy of fp.com. I think thats uncool.

To be honest, I've been to dozens of political message board forums that look similar to your's and Damo's.

You guys didn't invent the genre.
SR_ said:
This place doesnt have 50 members, there are only 44 on the member list and of those 18 have 0-9 posts. In the first 5 days FP registered 80 and of those only 9 had 0-9. In reality, in the first 5 days the numbers reflect 26 regular posters for JPP and 71 on FP.

There was also never an advertising attack on politics.com, I posted one thread, thats all it took. The rest was from members asking their friends to come by.

Is there anyone here that doesnt have two names at the least? I know I do. I can go create 4 more and build up the stats here?

I like this site and advertised it on fp.com, joined here and am one of the highest contributing posters, but it looks like its just going to be a copy of fp.com. I think thats uncool.

Anyway, thought some facts might need to be thrown into the mix, obviously the board admin wasnt going to do it.


It might be the board admin was working....

come on man. give me a break.
Cypress said:
I like this site and advertised it on fp.com, joined here and am one of the highest contributing posters, but it looks like its just going to be a copy of fp.com. I think thats uncool.

To be honest, I've been to dozens of political message board forums that look similar to your's and Damo's.

You guys didn't invent the genre.

Exactly. I made that point earlier in another thread. I'm not trying to copy SR's site. But both are about politics, some things will have similarities... in other ways we will have differences...
Cypress said:
I like this site and advertised it on fp.com, joined here and am one of the highest contributing posters, but it looks like its just going to be a copy of fp.com. I think thats uncool.

To be honest, I've been to dozens of political message board forums that look similar to your's and Damo's.

You guys didn't invent the genre.
That's because there's only a limited number of software packages available for hosting such boards. They also tend to look very similar to one another: the one I use at work is consciously modeled after vBulletin, in some ways, which is what this site runs on.

It's all about the community, really. SR has an interesting idea -- something of a compromise between a moderated forum and an un-moderated one -- but I don't know if it's going to work. I salute him for trying something different though.
OrnotBitwise said:
That's because there's only a limited number of software packages available for hosting such boards. They also tend to look very similar to one another: the one I use at work is consciously modeled after vBulletin, in some ways, which is what this site runs on.

It's all about the community, really. SR has an interesting idea -- something of a compromise between a moderated forum and an un-moderated one -- but I don't know if it's going to work. I salute him for trying something different though.

I think it is a unique idea. I can't wait to see it...
Cypress said:
I like this site and advertised it on fp.com, joined here and am one of the highest contributing posters, but it looks like its just going to be a copy of fp.com. I think thats uncool.

To be honest, I've been to dozens of political message board forums that look similar to your's and Damo's.

You guys didn't invent the genre.


no one is talking about the "board", you know, press reply, or post topic, and it displays it. Every board has certain characteristics that are reflected in the board admin and what they want to do. the out of the can stuff can only go so far.

this morning i found out that this place was going to have head to head debates just like fp.com. Thats a feature that is not out of any can. It will have to be developed, and its something that is already under development on fp.com and has been proposed for some time now, as well as other things. I guess, we'll both be developing the same features now.

just dissappointed i guess. I guess Im just waiting now for the JustLikeFullPolitics.com Security Council. Or the JustLikeFullPolitics.com issue voting and tracking.

SR_ said:

no one is talking about the "board", you know, press reply, or post topic, and it displays it. Every board has certain characteristics that are reflected in the board admin and what they want to do. the out of the can stuff can only go so far.

this morning i found out that this place was going to have head to head debates just like fp.com. Thats a feature that is not out of any can. It will have to be developed, and its something that is already under development on fp.com and has been proposed for some time now, as well as other things. I guess, we'll both be developing the same features now.

just dissappointed i guess. I guess Im just waiting now for the JustLikeFullPolitics.com Security Council. Or the JustLikeFullPolitics.com issue voting and tracking.


I'm sure your board is the only board in the universe that has head to head debates, even though it doesn't. And poll tracking, even though it doesn't. Deflate that head of yours buddy, it'll do you some good. You haven't even implemented the features yet, and you're claiming that you're being copied?

SR, the great one, is being robbed!!!1 Call the internet police!!!1!
Beefy said:
I'm sure your board is the only board in the universe that has head to head debates, even though it doesn't. And poll tracking, even though it doesn't. Deflate that head of yours buddy, it'll do you some good. You haven't even implemented the features yet, and you're claiming that you're being copied?

SR, the great one, is being robbed!!!1 Call the internet police!!!1!

BWahahahaha It's the internets thieves!!!
What the hell is SR posting on the second rate site anyway? I wonder if he holds his nose while he types?
tinfoil said:
BWahahahaha It's the internets thieves!!!
What the hell is SR posting on the second rate site anyway? I wonder if he holds his nose while he types?

Yeah, why is his majesty wallowing around here in the filth with the rest of us lowlife?
Beefy said:
I'm sure your board is the only board in the universe that has head to head debates, even though it doesn't. And poll tracking, even though it doesn't. Deflate that head of yours buddy, it'll do you some good. You haven't even implemented the features yet, and you're claiming that you're being copied?

SR, the great one, is being robbed!!!1 Call the internet police!!!1!

peanut boy is this all you have? It will be the only site that has, head to head debates, issue voting, member security council, poll tracking, editorials, and other new features all combined, all in one site, it will be part of three sites.

well...assuming this one doesnt do the exact same thing.

Its not about ego mbl, not everything that you disagree with or wish to protect is the fault of someone else's ego. FullPolitics.com is NOT like every other site, and it will continue to differientiate itself in everyway. Thats the one thing that has kept the members there, its that i didnt do the adware, or the spyware, or the news, or all the other crap.

Yes it will always be a message board, like other sites are, but that does not mean that is the same in how it operates, or the features offered to its members, most of its features will be customed developed specifically tailored to its purpose.

I had one suggestion for this board. dont make it just like fp.com. The sites being different offers benefits to the members of both boards. You seem to think I have been lying about this, but I havent been. I love it that people can come here and this be the family playground, it has several benefits for me. One obvious one is that the discussions on this board arent being done in the general section on fp.com. I think thats a plus. Members who want trolls arent constantly attack my system just to have them, they can get that here, which is a positive. I think thats a major plus. If fp.com goes down, everyone can still debate and stay together over here, and vice versa, which i think is another plus. The board admin on this site is still an active member on fp.com, which i find to be another plus. Its better to work with another board than try and pretend it isnt there. We could do competitions, I can advertise here, etc.. there is a lot of possibilities. HOWEVER its only good if one plays to the weakness of the other. A lot of people dont like the garbage that clutters up the screen here, or that you have so many pages for so few posts, or the trolls, or... A lot of people dont like not having trolls at fp.com, they dont like the direction of more serious political debate, they want all these smilies and avatars, and ignore features, etc.... I felt it was great, another member creates a board offers the stuff that I dont want to, and people who dont like all the crap this is here still have the family. It was ying and yang, its a good solution and I embrace it and have been active on both.

But if we're both going to do the same whats the point? I see all the suggestions to make it simpler over here, less forums, less crap all over the screen, etc... But I like that its different, i like that it offers things i dont offer.

just a little dissappointed to find out that it will be, thats all.
