Fun fact...

No, that's what is known as a "Hobson's Choice" is.

A Hobson's choice is a free choice in which only one thing is actually offered. The term is often used to mean an illusion of choice. The most well known Hobson's choice is "take it or leave it".

It was either vote for a truly evil POS, conniving, crony politician or take the asshole who at least wasn't going to sell the country down the river... Neither was desirable, but that's all we had for a choice.

Easy. I did not support Hillary. I did not vote for.
We all know you're a stupid inbred moron so obviously you support Trump You're his demographic

Awww... Such a miniscule intellect. Can't even come up with original insults, just the same stupid TDS bitching we've gotten for the last like six years from you...
Awww... Such a miniscule intellect. Can't even come up with original insults, just the same stupid TDS bitching we've gotten for the last like six years from you...

We all know you're a stupid inbred moron so obviously you support Trump You're his demographic
Awww... Such a miniscule intellect. Can't even come up with original insults, just the same stupid TDS bitching we've gotten for the last like six years from you...

Speaking about minuscule intellect, I see a lot of that coming from your comrades on this forum.
That Biden, after living in Wilmington for decades as one of the state's senators, and now as President hasn't done a damn thing to make his hometown better. It is just one more example of Joke's lifelong record of nonachievement at anything other than getting elected...

You have no idea what he did for Wilmington.
All you fucking do is whine.

I R O N Y!!!!

"A Republican politician coming from a shithole is okay because there are fewer Republican run shitholes than Democrat run shitholes."