Fundamentalist Baptist Brainwashing Trauma is a Real Thing

I grew up around a lot of Baptist kids. Most were hellions for one week and pious fools the next. I have come across adult Baptists mixed with some drinking and cussing like sailors.

I was raised as a Presbyterian, and my experiences were like yours. And, like you, it just didn't take with m
Presbyterian services reminded me a lot of the Catholic liturgy. My brother raised Catholic is now a Presbyterian. I am not longer a practicing Catholic, religion isn’t my thing, anymore.
I taught the auditorium class at church yesterday. We talked about demonic possession, supernatural events and salvation. Fun stuff. Should have been there.
Yep, let's talk about that. What do you think about the President's recommended reading list for elementary school kids?

What do you think about the president getting all giddy over his tranny?

I went to a Methodist Sunday School from the age of four to twelve. Fairy tales from the Old Testament were taught as fact, but they didn't try to scare us. Of course children don't question these things any more than they question the schoolteacher when she recites the multiplication tables.

Then I went to some of their church services, which were about as gripping as a wet Sunday, so I stopped going. I've never been to a Baptist service. Maybe they're different.

They're pretty much the same- only difference- after Baptist church let's out you can hang around and eat Bar-B-Q Chicken, deviled eggs, and drink some kool-aid, and play some Horse-shoes, washers, or dominoes!
I taught the auditorium class at church yesterday. We talked about demonic possession, supernatural events and salvation. Fun stuff. Should have been there.

Why would God allow demons to possess people? Doesn't that negate Free Will?