Funny Joke on O'Reilly

The reason I asked LadyT, around here we either shoot em or run em off.
And perhaps call the dept of fish and wildlife after we do one or the other :)

Come to think of it we pretty much do the same with Humans that cause trouble too....
And that has a point in a conversation about swearing on the Koran and O'Reilly exactly how? You made a point of "hypocrisy" and didn't back it up then give this as an argument for O'Reilly's hypocrisy?

You aren't making any sense, man!


i point out daily where holyrollers are all in everyone's business.... that was just one example.... holyrollers knock on your doors they are in your bedrooms they wanna know what you spend your money on..

you are very naive.

i point out daily where holyrollers are all in everyone's business.... that was just one example.... holyrollers knock on your doors they are in your bedrooms they wanna know what you spend your money on..

you are very naive.
No, here you said that O'Reilly himself was "hypocritical" I have asked you to supply a quote that shows his hypocrisy in this particular case, not in ignorance, but because I searched for evidence of it and found none.

So, either produce an O'Reilly quote where he thinks Ellison was in the wrong or deduce that, in this case, O'Reilly is not a "hypocrite".

Everything "christian", in this case, does not equate to every one of O'Reilly's opinion.

Therefore, you have made an assertion and failed to back it up.
hmmmm what about that lawmaker from Virginia who wanted to FORCE the muslim lawmaker to take his oath on the bible instead of the Quaran??

See? Here is where you assert that because this guy wanted Ellison to take an oath on a Bible, that O'Reilly too had the same opinion, or that he wasn't one of the rare cases that he (O'Reilly) spoke of when he stated that the "vast majority are not in your face", this would mean that some were. So, was this who he was speaking of, or do you really not understand "vast majority" does not mean every single one?

Either O'Reilly can be proven to be against Ellison taking a pretend after-oath photo-op with a Koran or he cannot, assumption of hypocrisy is simply disingenuousness.
See? Here is where you assert that because this guy wanted Ellison to take an oath on a Bible, that O'Reilly too had the same opinion, or that he wasn't one of the rare cases that he (O'Reilly) spoke of when he stated that the "vast majority are not in your face", this would mean that some were. So, was this who he was speaking of, or do you really not understand "vast majority" does not mean every single one?

Either O'Reilly can be proven to be against Ellison taking a pretend after-oath photo-op with a Koran or he cannot, assumption of hypocrisy is simply disingenuousness.

i think its a fair statement that he endorsed this view since he didn't comment on it... and furthermore why didn't he comment on it...
i think its a fair statement that he endorsed this view since he didn't comment on it... and furthermore why didn't he comment on it...
Right, silence is endorsement? So, since you haven't commented on something I can assume you like it? Wow. I'm glad you have made that clear... I can't wait to start telling everybody about how you endorse so many things...