Funny/not funny

Also mine. I think 'ThreeDee' is the Official Historian. (aka: 'Bull Durham', 'Howard the Duck')

That scene with Lea Thompson in "Howard the Duck"?

If one identifies as a child, would it be called pedophilia if people are attracted to said one?
WE know - those of us with the capacity to rationalise properly - that it would not be pedophilia. But the extreme leftie morons pushing for all this crap dont care. They want the PC crap to see good people get sacked or arrested because of their feelings.
The law specifically states AGE of a person. Thats it.
I was on a case in UK Crown Court whereby a guy was in the dock charged with "soliciting a person under age for sexual purposes". By using the internet. This poor man was in the dock, on trial, for 4 days.
The fact was - he was set up by vigilanty pedo chasers. The girl on the internet was actually OVER 18. She IMPLIED/ACTED as if younger but no age was mentioned... so in effect the guy did not commit any offence the Judge threw the case out.
The defence barrister was outstanding in his modus operandi for tricking the accusers - main prosecution witnesses. This guy in the dock could have lost everything. It turned out he was a perfectly nice person. I say this to indicate that AGE is the factor although of course, mental ability is also a serious factor. I/E an 18 year old with the real capacity of a 12 year old... I suppose the trans sector could fit into this depending on how you see them.
WE know - those of us with the capacity to rationalise properly - that it would not be pedophilia. But the extreme leftie morons pushing for all this crap dont care. They want the PC crap to see good people get sacked or arrested because of their feelings.
The law specifically states AGE of a person. Thats it.
I was on a case in UK Crown Court whereby a guy was in the dock charged with "soliciting a person under age for sexual purposes". By using the internet. This poor man was in the dock, on trial, for 4 days.
The fact was - he was set up by vigilanty pedo chasers. The girl on the internet was actually OVER 18. She IMPLIED/ACTED as if younger but no age was mentioned... so in effect the guy did not commit any offence the Judge threw the case out.
The defence barrister was outstanding in his modus operandi for tricking the accusers - main prosecution witnesses. This guy in the dock could have lost everything. It turned out he was a perfectly nice person. I say this to indicate that AGE is the factor although of course, mental ability is also a serious factor. I/E an 18 year old with the real capacity of a 12 year old... I suppose the trans sector could fit into this depending on how you see them.

"A debate's stirring over the age of consent in the UK, which has been set at 16 since 1885"