Into the Night
Verified User
I am suggesting that the barriers can be higher for some people to get IDs than other people. When that is the case as it clearly is then you are making it harder for some people to vote.
Can you get your birth certificate for free? (I guarantee you can't get a certified birth certificate from just about any state without paying a fee.) If not, then it costs money to get an ID since that is one of the items needed to get ID. Then we have to assume that the place you were born still has the birth records. Then there are also restrictions on who can get a birth certificate.
In most cases, a request for a birth certificate requires that the form be notarized. Notaries often charge for their services. Then the notary is also required by law to confirm the identity of the person signing the form which usually requires that the present an ID. Unless you are lucky enough to personally know a notary that will notarize for free and since they know you they don't require an ID to prove who you are. But wait. Texas requires you to provide a photocopy of a valid ID before they will provide you with your birth certificate.
I am simply pointing out you are too stupid to know how the process works to get an ID if you don't already have one. If you are adopted in Texas, you will probably have to jump through even more hoops to get your birth certificate unless you are lucky enough to already know who your birth parents are.
You have to register to vote anyway. What's the problem with a picture ID when you register to vote? It's no different than any other photo ID.
You are making a mountain out of a molehill.
Want a bank account? You need ID to establish one. Want a job? You need an ID to complete the INS form. Want a passport? You need to provide an ID and proof of citizenship. Want an SS card or to sign up for SS services? You need to prove your eligibility with ID. Want a driver's license or State ID? You need to provide stuff like birth certificates or INS ID (Green Card) status.
What's the problem?