Ga ends long lines for voting

I am suggesting that the barriers can be higher for some people to get IDs than other people. When that is the case as it clearly is then you are making it harder for some people to vote.

Can you get your birth certificate for free? (I guarantee you can't get a certified birth certificate from just about any state without paying a fee.) If not, then it costs money to get an ID since that is one of the items needed to get ID. Then we have to assume that the place you were born still has the birth records. Then there are also restrictions on who can get a birth certificate.

In most cases, a request for a birth certificate requires that the form be notarized. Notaries often charge for their services. Then the notary is also required by law to confirm the identity of the person signing the form which usually requires that the present an ID. Unless you are lucky enough to personally know a notary that will notarize for free and since they know you they don't require an ID to prove who you are. But wait. Texas requires you to provide a photocopy of a valid ID before they will provide you with your birth certificate.

I am simply pointing out you are too stupid to know how the process works to get an ID if you don't already have one. If you are adopted in Texas, you will probably have to jump through even more hoops to get your birth certificate unless you are lucky enough to already know who your birth parents are.

You have to register to vote anyway. What's the problem with a picture ID when you register to vote? It's no different than any other photo ID.
You are making a mountain out of a molehill.

Want a bank account? You need ID to establish one. Want a job? You need an ID to complete the INS form. Want a passport? You need to provide an ID and proof of citizenship. Want an SS card or to sign up for SS services? You need to prove your eligibility with ID. Want a driver's license or State ID? You need to provide stuff like birth certificates or INS ID (Green Card) status.

What's the problem?
Thanks for playing "Annata is an entitled boor." You win.

It's obvious you have never been poor in your life. Being poor means you move more often. Moving more means things get lost or misplaced more. But don't let your white privilege get you down. Clearly black people must be stupid unlike your privileged assholery.

Being poor doesn't mean any of these things. Bigotry.
Quote Originally Posted by Poor Richard Saunders View Post
I am suggesting that the barriers can be higher for some people to get IDs than other people. When that is the case as it clearly is then you are making it harder for some people to vote.

Can you get your birth certificate for free? (I guarantee you can't get a certified birth certificate from just about any state without paying a fee.) If not, then it costs money to get an ID since that is one of the items needed to get ID. Then we have to assume that the place you were born still has the birth records. Then there are also restrictions on who can get a birth certificate.

In most cases, a request for a birth certificate requires that the form be notarized. Notaries often charge for their services. Then the notary is also required by law to confirm the identity of the person signing the form which usually requires that the present an ID. Unless you are lucky enough to personally know a notary that will notarize for free and since they know you they don't require an ID to prove who you are. But wait. Texas requires you to provide a photocopy of a valid ID before they will provide you with your birth certificate.

I am simply pointing out you are too stupid to know how the process works to get an ID if you don't already have one. If you are adopted in Texas, you will probably have to jump through even more hoops to get your birth certificate unless you are lucky enough to already know who your birth parents are.

black people are too stupid to keep their birth cert or SSA card in a safe place?
such condescending crap.

How in the hell did you derive that from what Rich Saunders is saying? Use a little critical thinking, if the STATE and Census bureau is telling you that a large portion of the black population in Georgia is poor, the Rich's analysis applys. If you have a large elderly population, it's a good chance that many don't have the ID requirements newly required, and may not have the cash being on fixed incomes (retirement).

Think, sweetpea, think! It's the black people who are complaining! are you saying they're too stupid to know whats' good for them?
why should it be easy for people without ID to register......isn't the whole idea to make sure only those who should be voting can vote?......but hey, if 1% of the people have trouble, volunteer to help them instead of pretending its not important that it be done......

Trust me

That will be happening everywhere

But voting is not supposed to cost anything
Oh yeah

They did nothing about that voting problem

Standing in line for eight hours to vote is fine in predominately black areas in Ga

But no one can give them water and food

Or they go to prison

They should have just labeled the bill “THAT SHOULD KEEP THE BLACK VOTE “

In honor of the GOP memo that was exposed during the Rayguns term



You can’t make stupid shit like this up.
If the Uber guy is fine because they pay for it


People can give the folks in line pennies and then offer them food and water for a penny

Or does the law say you have to make a profit off them

This law is really really stupid
How in the hell did you derive that from what Rich Saunders is saying? Use a little critical thinking, if the STATE and Census bureau is telling you that a large portion of the black population in Georgia is poor, the Rich's analysis applys. If you have a large elderly population, it's a good chance that many don't have the ID requirements newly required, and may not have the cash being on fixed incomes (retirement).

Think, sweetpea, think! It's the black people who are complaining! are you saying they're too stupid to know whats' good for them?

Or they say that black people always lie about this via spewing race card

That is what pulling the race card means
Anatta might have me on IA, or she just couldn't refute the logic I put down. Either way, it's worth repeating:

Annatta is a Russian bot

It’s not real

Sometimes you may be interacting with a real person under that name


All the political shit is Russian propaganda

It’s hard to teach a bot to sound human

So once in awhile you might be talking to the programmer or a selected person to draw you in emotionally

Most it f the time it’s a bot

It’s easy to train a bot to be an asshole

Think about that

It’s why they are all assholes and want to melt the snowflakes

Those are the cheap rent programs

They can inspire great humor though

Keeps me laughing at my own jokes


I’m doing self deprecating humor

That means I’m too stoned to be on here

Oh yeah

They did nothing about that voting problem

Standing in line for eight hours to vote is fine in predominately black areas in Ga

But no one can give them water and food

Or they go to prison

They should have just labeled the bill “THAT SHOULD KEEP THE BLACK VOTE “

In honor of the GOP memo that was exposed during the Rayguns term

Hopefully Georgia, in particular, will hold tRump criminally accountable for conspiring with Ms. Lindsey, in particular, to destroy the Georgia electors and soliciting officials to join in on his extremely heinous act of sedition in terms of its relationship with the 2020 electoral process just because tRump thought he could violate the sovereignty of Georgia's electors for in his own hell bound favor.
Fort Jackson Army Officer Under DOJ Investigation After Assaulting Black Man For Walk

Fort Jackson Army Officer Under DOJ Investigation After Assaulting Black Man For Walking In His Neighborhood

Jonathan Pentland, a drill instructor at Fort Jackson, was arrested for assault and is facing a DOJ investigation after he attacked a black man for walking through his neighborhood."

Good and I hope the victim sues the bastard for all he can get at not only being humiliated for walking in 'his' (keyword) neighborhood on public property but also assaulted. Apparently this bigot who was unable to resist the urge to assault a innocent young man of color, was not trained well at being a so-called military sergeant who also disgraced the standards of how a U.S. military officer is suppose to conduct themselves. I hope this creep suffers greatly for his act of insubordination against his military oath as it relates to defending Democracy and all therein against foreign and domestic enemies.
Oh yeah

They did nothing about that voting problem

Standing in line for eight hours to vote is fine in predominately black areas in Ga

But no one can give them water and food

Or they go to prison

They should have just labeled the bill “THAT SHOULD KEEP THE BLACK VOTE “

In honor of the GOP memo that was exposed during the Rayguns term

I'm not defending what they have done in GA by any means, but it's all easy enough to overcome.

Now that everyone knows what's going on, people in those voting districts will all be well informed enough in advance and encouraged to bring water and snacks with them.

A couple of large bottles of water and a few peanut butter sandwiches = no problem.

Churches can take the lead by assembling busloads of congregation members at a starting point, handing out plenty of food and water then driving them to the polls. There can be a few people in line with extra food. There is no law against a voter waiting in line to share their food with other voters.

In short, rather than complain about it, do something about it.

Overcome the obstacles they try to put up by outsmarting them.
Oh yeah

There will be long lines

People can hand out glasses of ice which will melt into water

Local businesses can put up portapottys people can volunteer to hold peoples places in line

And records for midterm turnout will soar

But the way to make that happen is to keep talking about the evil unAmerican laws republicans were more than just willing to construct

The republicans KNOW they can’t win if democracy is honored

That needs to be hammered home every day until this next election

The fact that the Republican Party to a man knows and is willing to CHEAT DEMOCRACY to steal the power from the people on this nation

They are the enemies of this state

They are in fact insurrection

They defend and grovel to the very man who bloomed an insurrection aimed at the American people
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
How in the hell did you derive that from what Rich Saunders is saying? Use a little critical thinking, if the STATE and Census bureau is telling you that a large portion of the black population in Georgia is poor, the Rich's analysis applys. If you have a large elderly population, it's a good chance that many don't have the ID requirements newly required, and may not have the cash being on fixed incomes (retirement).

Think, sweetpea, think! It's the black people who are complaining! are you saying they're too stupid to know whats' good for them?

Or they say that black people always lie about this via spewing race card

That is what pulling the race card means

The convoluted "logic", revisionist rhetoric and sheer proud, willful ignorance of these people sometimes boggles the mind.
Annatta is a Russian bot

It’s not real

Sometimes you may be interacting with a real person under that name


All the political shit is Russian propaganda

It’s hard to teach a bot to sound human

So once in awhile you might be talking to the programmer or a selected person to draw you in emotionally

Most it f the time it’s a bot

It’s easy to train a bot to be an asshole

Think about that

It’s why they are all assholes and want to melt the snowflakes

Those are the cheap rent programs

They can inspire great humor though

Keeps me laughing at my own jokes


I’m doing self deprecating humor

That means I’m too stoned to be on here


Umm, wouldn't go that far...but everyone's entitled to their opinion. Having dealt with this mindset on various boards YEARS before the "bot" threat, I feel we have enough home grown a-holes that don't need any prodding from old Soviet style disinformation propaganda.