Indeed - another attitude deliberately cultivated by the progressive liberal movement and underwritten by the DNC. They enforce dependence on the state, and issue propaganda that such is a right simply for knowing how to breathe. The thing is, the reforms did not go far enough. It's STILL a hand-out system, not a hand-up system. They need to put ALL types of assistance, housing, food, child care, medical care, even education and/or job training (in fact job training should be a mandatory, not voluntary part of assistance), under ONE roof, and set it up so when one makes more, the system does not decrease total benefits by more than the additional income. Encourage people to do more for themselves, and pride will kick in so they DO make more of their lives and become independent. Of course, it won't happen because that is the exact opposite of what the government wants to happen. The more we are dependent on government, the more power government has. And in the end, it ain't about money, it's about power.