Game Over


I just cant see arround this one guys.

My country is truely gone.

I live in a country that will have every election be a swarm of ads, movies, billboards, bus ads three page inserts in your Papers A section.

Any candidate who will say anything the corps dont want to hear will face having to raise millions just to not get crushed in the first month.

There will be no one running who can get anywhere near a seat that represents what I want to see in our government.

The Dems we now have dont have the guts to make the laws that could even CURB this for a single elelction cycle.

We have become a one party country with that one party having no room for what most Americans want.

Game over , you guys won and we soon have a permanent Republican majority in our government.

Voting wont matter in a couple of cycles because it will all be insured outcomes by then.

I will have paid into SS all of my life and wont get one dime of it.

They will bust and bail from now on until the people are so weary we have a revolution.

200 years is really and truely the cap on the life of a Democracy I guess.

I dont know if I will partake in any of this mess, I dont know if I can stand to watch it all.

I may be done with politics all together.
But at least all the corporations will have all the anti-white male policies you like so much. Look at the bright side!

Im conflicted on this too.
No it isn't.
The US has survived all manner of political quagmires and has always pulled themselves from the muck and mire.

Just look at MA and how they voted.

Dear fucking idiot,

You have just helped to kill our democracy and your vote is now as meaninless as mine is, you just dont know it yet.

No left leaning politicain will be able to get above dog catcher now.

The corps will kill any candidate with a movie or add that smears them with outragous lies right before the election. There will be no money that a dem can raise that will be able to do battle with the corps.

The republican candidate will not even need money to run.

This makes for a permanent republican majority.

It wont take long before the cheating the Rs have been doing for decades INSURES election wins and even your vote wont be needed anymore.

This is the end.
Dear fucking idiot,

You have just helped to kill our democracy and your vote is now as meaninless as mine is, you just dont know it yet.

No left leaning politicain will be able to get above dog catcher now.

The corps will kill any candidate with a movie or add that smears them with outragous lies right before the election. There will be no money that a dem can raise that will be able to do battle with the corps.

The republican candidate will not even need money to run.

This makes for a permanent republican majority.

It wont take long before the cheating the Rs have been doing for decades INSURES election wins and even your vote wont be needed anymore.

This is the end.

But you had no problem with George Soros financing all those 527's. :pke:
Why do you assume I was anti gun?

we've had many debates about your willingness to limit the types of guns available to the public, afraid of another murrah incident.

with your doomsday prediction of a coming corporate owned country and government, in your opinion, what kind of arms should the common individual now have available to them?
Dear fucking idiot,

You have just helped to kill our democracy and your vote is now as meaninless as mine is, you just dont know it yet.

No left leaning politicain will be able to get above dog catcher now.

The corps will kill any candidate with a movie or add that smears them with outragous lies right before the election. There will be no money that a dem can raise that will be able to do battle with the corps.

The republican candidate will not even need money to run.

This makes for a permanent republican majority.

It wont take long before the cheating the Rs have been doing for decades INSURES election wins and even your vote wont be needed anymore.

This is the end.

I'm sorry; but I decided to not read any farther then you endearing opening line.
Ergo: Fuck off bitch, I was trying to get you to see that it's been viewed as bad before and will be so again.
Now, go cry somewhere; because it's obvious that's all your capabale of doing.