Game Over

There will be no one running who can get anywhere near a seat that represents what I want to see in our government.


I dont know if I will partake in any of this mess, I dont know if I can stand to watch it all.


I may be done with politics all together.


The corps will kill any candidate with a movie or add that smears them with outragous lies right before the election. There will be no money that a dem can raise that will be able to do battle with the corps.

Wow... Imagine that, private entities putting out smear movies? Who would do something like that? Oh well, it's a good thing you have all that special interest and union money, and I'm sure Micheal Moore will give you a discount rate!

No left leaning politicain will be able to get above dog catcher now.

A job they are STILL not qualified to hold!

This makes for a permanent republican majority.

You will fucking survive the words , Too bad our democracy will not survive your voting patterns.

you're saying something here, subconciously i'm assuming, that maybe you should take a look at.

what you're saying by all the doomsday talk is that the majority of americans aren't smart enough to do anything but listen to which candidate has the most ads put out for them, then vote that way.

do you think that badly of americans?
Why is it you can not figure out that NO left leaning candidate can even get anywhere near a seat?

The second a new person comes along they will get "defined" by the corporate money.

The ONLY democrats they will allow to take office will be bought.

look at what they did to Kerry. Lies will be fine and you will lap them up like pablum.

They will get a R majority and kill anything and everything that is for the people that the Corps dont like.

Then they wont even need you anymore.
Why is it you can not figure out that NO left leaning candidate can even get anywhere near a seat?

The second a new person comes along they will get "defined" by the corporate money.

The ONLY democrats they will allow to take office will be bought.

look at what they did to Kerry. Lies will be fine and you will lap them up like pablum.

They will get a R majority and kill anything and everything that is for the people that the Corps dont like.

Then they wont even need you anymore.



Do you think this country is going to be more democratic after this?

Do you think money from profit centers is going to creat an atmosphere that preserves the voices of REAL people?
Do you think this country is going to be more democratic after this?

Do you think money from profit centers is going to creat an atmosphere that preserves the voices of REAL people?

1. It will stay the same Democratic country that it has always been.
2. The "voice of the people" will always be heard.

The problem is, you just don't like what they're telling you at this time.
Why is it you can not figure out that NO left leaning candidate can even get anywhere near a seat?

The second a new person comes along they will get "defined" by the corporate money.

The ONLY democrats they will allow to take office will be bought.

look at what they did to Kerry. Lies will be fine and you will lap them up like pablum.

They will get a R majority and kill anything and everything that is for the people that the Corps dont like.

Then they wont even need you anymore.

When Kerry ran for president, it was under McCain-Feingold laws, which prohibited corporations from these contributions, that is what this case effectively overturned. What we discovered, when we removed corporate money from politics, is nothing really changed, it just became the 527's who controlled the financing. Personally, I had rather have corporations giving to political campaigns rather than 527's... you can boycott a corporation, what can you do about a 527?

And let me just clue you in on something... when you say "corporations" you are essentially saying "American people!" We The People OWN the corporations! We The People ARE the corporations! They are the source of our income, jobs, and livelihood. When you attack "corporations" you attack each and every one of your fellow Americans. Just something to think about!
When Kerry ran for president, it was under McCain-Feingold laws, which prohibited corporations from these contributions, that is what this case effectively overturned. What we discovered, when we removed corporate money from politics, is nothing really changed, it just became the 527's who controlled the financing. Personally, I had rather have corporations giving to political campaigns rather than 527's... you can boycott a corporation, what can you do about a 527?

And let me just clue you in on something... when you say "corporations" you are essentially saying "American people!" We The People OWN the corporations! We The People ARE the corporations! They are the source of our income, jobs, and livelihood. When you attack "corporations" you attack each and every one of your fellow Americans. Just something to think about!

Heres a fucking hint for you, to be a CEO of an American company you dont have to be an American.

What if some Saudi bought out a couple of corps and then started running ads?
Why is it you can not figure out that NO left leaning candidate can even get anywhere near a seat?

The second a new person comes along they will get "defined" by the corporate money.

The ONLY democrats they will allow to take office will be bought.

since you didn't answer the earlier question, lets try something different.

Desh, when a new candidate comes along, how do YOU choose whether to vote for that candidate or not?
Heres a fucking hint for you, to be a CEO of an American company you dont have to be an American.

What if some Saudi bought out a couple of corps and then started running ads?

I'm not prejudiced, so it wouldn't matter. I believe in free political speech for EVERYONE, and don't think it should EVER be restricted for ANY reason! Let the Saudi run his ads! If we don't like what he says, we can boycott his company and put him out of business! After he files bankruptcy, he can't finance political ads anymore... problem solved!

But let's go back for a moment, you immediately equated "corporations" with "CEO's" ....why was that? In your warped little socialist mind, do you think a corporation is ONLY the CEO? Do stockholders and employees not count? Is the only purpose of a corporation to provide a lavish salary for the CEO? Because, that is what it sounds like you've been brainwashed into thinking. In actuality, most of us who earn an income, work for some corporate entity. Our job depends on them, our raises and benefits depend on how well they do. Perhaps the current problem with the economy and jobs, is directly related to this class-envy war you've declared on CEO's (i.e. corporations)?

You think stock holders are going to vote to protect our way of life?

what a joke.

I think stockholders, just like CEO's and regular employees, are all voters and citizens, and should vote in whatever way they feel is best for them. And I have no problem with them spending their money to run campaign ads or or devoting their time to present political free speech in any way. I say this regardless of what their political views are, including your own insane views!

Apparently, you disagree! You want a system where only the political action committees and special interest groups like MoveOn.Org or PNAC control the political speech, socialists like Micheal Moore can produce "documentaries" about the evils of capitalism and greedy big business, while taking liberties with ethics and truth regarding a sitting president in the midst of reelection.... you don't have a problem there!
Who makes sure the stock holders are US citizens?

Does our Constitution say that we should deny non-American citizens the 'endowed by our Creator' right to free speech? I wasn't aware of that!

Is there presently some mechanism in place to check the nationality of every member of and ACORN? When did that take place? I missed it!
Dixie, you need to slow down and think sometimes.

Or maybe you are just the internationalist fascist dickhead I had you pegged for.

That brand of insanity is quite popular these days.