Gaming the student vote in Va

On November fourth these students will be in school. How do you sugest they get home to vote?

The republicans.r been caught and punished for targeting be kicked of the voting . Its just more fear and loathing of voters by the pas a threat to their exsistance.
and where does your article mention republicans or democrats for that matter? Or are you just making it up?
On November fourth these students will be in school. How do you sugest they get home to vote?

The republicans have been caught and punished for targeting voters to be kicked of the voting roles in the past. Its just more fear and loathing of voters by the party who sees democracy as a threat to their exsistance.

I can't highlight a sentance in the article to copy and paste it here, so I will try to quote it.

"Students that are registered outside of the area (their residence) or out of the state of Virginia, and can not get home to vote, are entitled to use a absent t ballot to vote in their area." It also tells them where they can obtain a absent t ballot.

Something like that. It is the beginning of the 4th paragraph.

How does this not cover your concern?
My children all attended colleges out of their home state. They were registered to vote in their home state, and voted via absentee ballots. They did this to keep their dependent status, thus allowing me some tax breaks while paying for their college. it's not a big deal. The very concept students need to travel home to vote is either a partisan lie to continue the claim of conspiracy, or pure unadulterated ignorance of absolutely profound proportions.

As stated, there is a new phenomenon - and not found only in VA. And that is college students are desiring to register to vote in local elections. To do so they have to change their residency status. And changing residency status involves more than just registering to vote locally. There is the required change of DL, vehicle registration, etc. AND there is the change of status from dependent to independent, which changes financial aid awards.

Or it could be the people running around registering students to vote don't know what the fuck they are doing and accidentally registering students to vote in places the student is not a resident, thus kicking off the whole thing.
Why was this sent out ?

Is there a history of having to warn these students or they will lose their dependent status?

Or is it just an attempt to make a young person question wether they should registar to vote or not?

What compelled these people to spend the money to send out this message to students?

Lets see some evidence this has ever happened to a student?

The person I quoted above has worked for 25 years to registar students and protect their rights to vote and has never seen anything like it before.
Why was this sent out ?

Is there a history of having to warn these students or they will lose their dependent status?

Or is it just an attempt to make a young person question wether they should registar to vote or not?

What compelled these people to spend the money to send out this message to students?

Lets see some evidence this has ever happened to a student?

The person I quoted above has worked for 25 years to registar students and protect their rights to vote and has never seen anything like it before.
Already been answered - twice.

The students are changing the way the register to vote. Used to be college students kept their home state voter registration. Or if they were newly registering, still chose to register in their home state, thus avoiding any residency controversy. It's what most college kids have been doing since I was in short pants.

This year they are registering locally which DOES bring up the conflict of residency status. New behaviors bring about the need for new advisements about the consequences of the new behavior.

I suspect the problem is being caused by volunteers who are accidentally registering students to vote locally when the student does not currently qualify as a resident, thus bringing about the entire residency conflict.
Why was this sent out ?

Is there a history of having to warn these students or they will lose their dependent status?

Or is it just an attempt to make a young person question wether they should registar to vote or not?

What compelled these people to spend the money to send out this message to students?

Lets see some evidence this has ever happened to a student?

The person I quoted above has worked for 25 years to registar students and protect their rights to vote and has never seen anything like it before.

No no no no---don't answer me with speculation. How does that not cover your concern??

I think your thinking conspiricy a bit on this one Desh. I see this as a change in some rules to stop voting in a state or area you don't actually reside in, and this was put out to inform the people how they can vote, as the constitution demands. It is important to vote from where you reside. Different areas contribute different numbers to a election sometimes--like national elections.

If you can find some evidence that is not speculation, or unconstitutional by actually hindering a person from voting, that would be cool.
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What's the big deal? I don't vote in my college town. Now, if I continue to live here when I start working, then I might consider changing my registration...
On November fourth these students will be in school. How do you sugest they get home to vote?

The republicans have been caught and punished for targeting voters to be kicked of the voting roles in the past. Its just more fear and loathing of voters by the party who sees democracy as a threat to their exsistance.
We used absentee ballots. Are you suggesting these college students can't figure out the US mail system?

Also, none of the students will be in school all day and including the time the polls close. They can visit the polls if they are registered to vote just like any other person who is working at that time.

Also, nowhere in there did it suggest that you would lose your scholarships by registering to vote in the state, unless you had a scholarship attached to your residence. It isn't a change in the law, it is a warning about how a change of residence can effect you. If your scholarship is attached to your residence and you declare a new residence it is possible to have it effect you that way.

It did also warn you that if you registered in Virginia but your parents live elsewhere you are declaring independence from your parents and that would effect their tax filing. This is everywhere. If you go to college in another state you have to be careful of where you declare your residence. Also in voting, it is important to realize that it can effect you negatively if you aren't careful.