Gary Johnson: The Best Candidate for the United States.

Johnson was on feedom watch. He said he'd get out of all the wars Obama's and Bush's. He basically said he'd cut 43% accross the board including the military. BAM!!!
Guess where I'm voting
You libtardians should hate this guy. He could almost be me.

On Rand Paul, Civil Rights:
Q: What did you think of Rand Paul’s initial statements about the Civil Rights Act, that the government should not tell private businesses they can’t discriminate? That’s consistent with libertarian views, right? A: When he made those statements, I thought to myself, “This is probably why I’m a Republican, because maybe I would not toe the (libertarian) line.” I’d like to think I would have signed the civil rights bill and wouldn’t have had any issues with it.

On smoking laws:
Q: You thought about this because of what Paul said? A: Yes. As a result of his statements, I found myself engaged in discussions over just that notion. I was trying to think of examples where I would have sided with the notion that government does have a role in that capacity. Something analogous is smoking in restaurants. I was opposed to the government mandating that restaurants not allow people to smoke, believing it becomes the customer’s choice whether they go in or not. But then, I thought, what about the employees? Aren’t they hostage to a smoking environment, even if they don’t smoke?

On Gay marriage:
Q: Isn’t the true libertarian position to support gay marriage? A: I’ve taken the position that I support gay unions.

Q: Why not marriage? What’s the difference? A: Right or wrong, that’s what I’m advocating.

Q: So it might be wrong? A: Look, it’s the notion that government probably shouldn’t be involved in marriage in the first place.

Q: Do you draw the line at marriage because you are religious? A: I was raised a Christian. I’d like to think I have Christian values. I don’t attend church.
You libtardians should hate this guy. He could almost be me.

On Rand Paul, Civil Rights:

On Gay marriage:
Q: Isn’t the true libertarian position to support gay marriage? A: I’ve taken the position that I support gay unions.

Q: Why not marriage? What’s the difference? A: Right or wrong, that’s what I’m advocating.

Q: So it might be wrong? A: Look, it’s the notion that government probably shouldn’t be involved in marriage in the first place.

Q: Do you draw the line at marriage because you are religious? A: I was raised a Christian. I’d like to think I have Christian values. I don’t attend church.

It has been the position of most pro-gay marriage people on this board that gay unions would be good. Especially since it appears that Johnson takes the libertarian position that the gov't should not be involved in marriage at all. So that is not even close to your position.
On April 21, 2011, Gary Johnson announced his candidacy for President. At this very moment he is the best candidate either party could present, as governor he vetoed 750 bills which would have raised New Mexican's taxes. He opposes Prohibition II, better known as the drug war, because Prohibition I failed. He reduced the size of New Mexico's state government payroll without firing a single person. He is a fiscal conservative and socially a libertarian. For all these reasons, as of right now he will LOSE the Republican primary.

The religious right that holds the GOP hostage will not vote for Johnson. Johnson himself knows he will be labeled "the pot candidate". He knows that the traditional right and traditional left will both hate him because he does not believe that the government should protect us from ourselves or save our souls. Under a Johnson administration we will have the best chance of getting tax reform, REAL tax reform. When Johnson left after two terms (something republican governors don't get here in New Mexico) we had a surplus. State taxes has not been raised and Bill Richardson inherited a state in the black.

To get him elected people have to register to vote in primaries. Centerist Dems and Independents need to register as republicans for the primary. We need to highjack the Republican primary system for the good of America. If we do this Johnson can win and so can Americans. If not, we will live through another four years of Dems and Repubs telling us what kinds and how much government intrusion in our lives we have to put up with. Go to and donate, volunteer, get on a list.

Sounded good except the part from 6:50 to 7:05 regarding not being able to afford ObamaCare. That's utter nonsense. To say or imply or even subtly allude that the wealthiest country on the face of the earth can not look after it's ill citizens is an abomination.

Then he goes on to say the Repubs should repeal the drug prescription policy they implemented.

Sure, let's watch senior citizens die due to their inability to purchase available medication while we watch the younger, ill folks suffer due to a lack of medical attention. That's Johnson's idea of saving the country, making it a much better place to live.

A true Republican.
Sorry, but you don't get to define my position.

"This whole problem is a non-problem. Let them file power of attorney so they can take care of each others affairs and leave the government out of it."

The position held by Gary Johnson is not nearly the same as your position.
Sure it is. And, its closer than yours. :)

Johnson wants gays to have unions which will giove them the same benefits married couples get. You have argued against that on numerous occasions.

I have said numerous times that I think the gov;t should not be involved in marriages at all. Having civil unions to give gay couples (and straight couples who do not have a religious ceremony) the same benefits as married couples is what I have been after.

You have posted numerous times that the state has a vested interest in marriages and should be involved, and that gay couples should not receive the same benefits.
Repukes will shoot their feet over and over with abortion and gays. Silly toetappers.
But libtards will do the same with endless revenues and giveaways