Gas prices and the election


Villified User
I know this will be viewed by some as a conspiracy theorist thing but here goes.
It is in the oil companies best interests to keep the status quo in congress. they know the high gas prices were causing anti status quo sentiments in the voters. therefore if they can lower the gas prices until after the election I think the will to encourage the status quo. Not a conspiracy as such , but from their perspective just good business.
You may be right on that. It would be a logical thing to do. They know who they are dealing with and a new face might not be so easily bought or might not be as cheaply bought.

Makes a lot of sense but not true to anyone with a nickles worth of oil business sense which granted is not the bag of more than 10% of the posters.
Republicans are made cause they aren't getting more credit for the decrease in prices. It's all actually funny to me.
Why would they let them raise to $3 and get everyone left and right pissed at oil companies and have billions spent on cleaner alt energies (yeah baby, I invest in those too.)
That being said I get a huge kick out of financial experts now saying will cheap oil ($60bbl) out weigh falling housing market in the economys stimulus.

LOL $60 cheap oil, again Yeah baby!!!:cof1:
Gas prices are dictated by Interntaional Forces .. but subconscously this could be whats driving the bidding. The question .. is this a bad thing?
On one hand ..yes because it does demosntrate that greed rises to the top. On the other hand it puts more money in our pockets and spurs a positive economic outlook.
One thing is for sure ... for whatever reason there exists an over supply ... and the news of prospective future reserves has generated a positive ooutlook about the world supply. My I have posted before... I dont want to see people back peddling on the demand for Alternative Energy Sources. No matter how low the prices drop ... ( this was predicted about 6 mos. ago.. on the other board I had posted an article on a near future glut) Energy must be a top issue when selecting future leadership.
I agree with you totally Klat but I fear that you are in that 10% that understands the economics these other Yahoo's think ufo's and conspiracy theory's rule the world.
I don't share your faith in the continued funding of alt energy and will really worry if gas gets under $2 again.
Gas was 1.80 or something like that in oklahoma or somesuch yesterday. According to a headline I read yesterday.
I was comming back from the Smokey Mountains and saw $2.17 and was shocked at that. I've been saying all along retail gas is an extremely competetive market. Most of them make money on cigs and beer not gas. They'd sell it to you for $3 gal if they could.
If this trend continues for a sustained period.. watch how it effects all other markets .. including housing ....
funny one usc and I totally agree. I'm only worried from an environmental standpoint with the alt energy standpoint.
I'm personally ok even with a recession. I'll take my paper losses but I ain't selling alot when the markets down. On the job front oil companies are OK as long as oil is over $20 bbl so my measley salary is OK.
I was born poor and live way below my means with zero debt. I'd be ok in a depression though I'd never wish that on anyone. I don't see gas going below $1.50 or oil going below $25bbl
I also have zero debt excpt for about 45k I owe on my small farm.
Why is gas so low now when the price per bbl is still not correspondingly low ?
And I don't think this gas price drop trend is as pronuonced worldwide as here in the states.
And I know all about supply and demand, but I am not sure that fully explains the current situation.
We'll I absolutely hate saying this to you USC but I believe the days of $75 oil are over and it's due to my company. We were headed to $100 oil and most experts believed it. You won't see that in print anytime soon. Even our own expert geologist were saying be prepaired for mostly marginal finds.
Then, BAM!!!! we hit the mother load son. Actually Oil is down around 25% and so is gas. Why is gas down so much?
Markets look to future's, $100 oil = no $70 oil = no
where will it land, You know you've heard me say we invented boom and bust. I just hope it doesn't land below $25 or I'll be retiring before I reach 50 and my modest goal of $2mm.
There is about to be a gold rush of drilling in the Gulf, mark me down on that one. Of that I'm certain, what is this dumb litte cajun buying. Transocean
Yeah they found the oil but it is several years from getting to market.....
So why does it make such an impact now ? The supply side does not change for several years....
Yes grasshopper you are getting close. The "MARKET SENTIMENT" is what changed. They went from peak oil this Peak oil that were running out to, Dam there's billions of barrels that Chevron just found. Wonder if I can be one of the hundreds of companies that's going to go find a few more fields like that.
Remember it was stupid ME fears of Iran/Iraq and Nigeria that continued the Katrina build up. It will take longer than what's reported to bring on. But we have 2 major projects coming on in a couple years that are huge and so do several other producers in the Gulf.
Ten year boom ahead in the Gulf, means oil jobs and cheap oil for the addicted americans and bad news for the alt energy bunch and my new investments.
Ten year boom ahead in the Gulf, means oil jobs and cheap oil for the addicted americans and bad news for the alt energy bunch and my new investments.

those who kill the alt energy stuff are the grasshoppers, we ants still want the alt energy source development :)