Gas prices and the election

Oh I want it usc, I invest in hybrids and solar.
I'm just telling you what I think will happen, america's famous for short attention span and once you take their wallets out of the equation are they going to want to pay alot more for clean energy.
I don't think so.
yepper Spin too many grasshoppers with short memorys.
I figure oil will stabilize around the $40-50 range.
Barring a big blow up in the ME.
Man, I hope your right $45 oil would keep me working 8 more yrs till 55 if I even need that.
I'll move to keylargo and open my tiki bar and be a parrot head waisting away in Margaritaville.:clink:
You like hurricanes and heat huh ?
I might be able to retire before I die since I am dumping the spendthrift wife.
Good stuff guys! And TSpin .. as much as Ive needled you in the past, todays posts have me convinced you do know what you are talking about! :)

But just think whot lower oil prices (long term) will do for other industries. Truckers will spend less on the transportation which means lower prices on the shelves for consumable goods, which translates to less out of pocket money for consumers.... = more cash flow. More money in consumer pockets means a higher positive ratio when apllying for car and home loans ...
Watch interest rates drop in the next month or so ....
Down here in Florida we are experiencing out of sight Home Owner Insurance Rates... so lower interest and energy prices could assist in offsetting those astronomical rates... thus kick start a flat line real estate market. More consumer cash flow means more spending, more spending means more sales tax collection .... yes .. I love trickle down economics ....
but we will have to see what the gas prices do after election prove the possible manuipulation for political status quo reasons. ONe way or the other. I hope I am wrong, I like cheaper energy prices.
Gas prices are low because the estimated shortage in supply that often and certainly in recent years happened from hurricanes, did NOT happen this year.
Surplus in supply equals lower price.
Also, because prices were high for so long, many people made adjustments to consume less oil, eventually that had to catch up.
Lastly what stupid uscitizen forgets is that in the 2002 and 2004 elections, we did not see a lowering of prices close to election time and that they were low during Clinton's time in office.
Were gas companies trying to help Clinton and Gore stay in office?
Bush haters are often not economics genius's.
I think their UFO believing heads just exploded with all that sound economics you just laid on them.
We'll said Dman, I agree totally though couldn't have laid it out as good.
Lastly what stupid uscitizen forgets is that in the 2002 and 2004 elections, we did not see a lowering of prices close to election time and that they were low during Clinton's time in office.
Were gas companies trying to help Clinton and Gore stay in office?

But bush and the republicans were not rated so poorly then.
I am not stating the gas price / election link as fact spinner. You are trying to make it look that that I did though though.
Lastly what stupid uscitizen forgets is that in the 2002 and 2004 elections, we did not see a lowering of prices close to election time and that they were low during Clinton's time in office.
Were gas companies trying to help Clinton and Gore stay in office?
Lastly what stupid uscitizen forgets is that in the 2002 and 2004 elections, we did not see a lowering of prices close to election time and that they were low during Clinton's time in office.
Were gas companies trying to help Clinton and Gore stay in office?

huh, thought I answered the 2002/04 thing.
The rebutlikens were not in such dire political straights. Clowntoon paid off the oil companies by taking wording out of lease agreements and giveing them free oil leases worth billions.