Gay pride parade 'bumping and grinding' offend Tea Party hero & NY governor hopeful

Do you think most New Yorkers would agree with Paladino's idea to transform some New York prisons into dormitories for welfare recipients, where they would work in state-sponsored jobs, get employment training and take lessons in "personal hygiene."

There, they would do work for the state — "military service, in some cases park service, in other cases public works service," he said — while prison guards would be retrained to work as counselors.

"Instead of handing out the welfare checks, we'll teach people how to earn their check. We'll teach them personal hygiene ... the personal things they don't get when they come from dysfunctional homes"
You actually don't know what fascism is, do you?
Of course not. It is only fascism when Obama or Democrats do it or when liberals want McDonalds to remove the toy from Happy Meals so that children are not enticed to eat corporate grilled garbage.
Actually direct government control of privately owned companies to the extent that they tell them what and when to manufacture something, how it will be presented, who they can sell it to, what must be done to be able to sell it to those people... is actually fascistic. Saying we'll take buildings and make them into housing for people who will learn new jobs isn't.
You actually don't know what fascism is, do you?

I know that it is a form of authoritarianism and that authoritarianism not a liberal trait, and I bet you don't know that 'While not all conservatives are authoritarians; all highly authoritarian personalities are political conservatives.'
Robert Altmeyer
You choose to drive on the government road.

AND...children are minors that have not reached the stage of cognitive development to be issued a drivers license to drive on the roads or be able to discern that a toy is being used by a corporation to entice and herd them into make a decision to ingest something NOT on it's nutritional merits but because they get a toy.

In Mexico; grown-ups control dogs and children. In America: dogs and children control grow-ups...
Cesar Millan
AND...children are minors that have not reached the stage of cognitive development to be issued a drivers license to drive on the roads or be able to discern that a toy is being used by a corporation to entice and herd them into make a decision to ingest something NOT on it's nutritional merits but because they get a toy.

In Mexico; grown-ups control dogs and children. In America: dogs and children control grow-ups...
Cesar Millan

You sound like Midcan with the stupid quotes and evil corporation bogeymen. Stop being retarded.
No reason to apologize. Since they started building them. Build a house on "public" right-of-way and see how long before they tear it down.
Yes, because it's forced.
Am I to understand that you don't agree with a government, local, state or federal wanting to force McDonalds to remove the toys from Happy Meals but you have no problem with self same government forcing business owners to ban smoking in their establishments? Can you say hypocrisy?

And for the record, I oppose BOTH. The real "conservative" position.
Am I to understand that you don't agree with a government, local, state or federal wanting to force McDonalds to remove the toys from Happy Meals but you have no problem with self same government forcing business owners to ban smoking in their establishments? Can you say hypocrisy?

And for the record, I oppose BOTH. The real "conservative" position.

If I were your next door neighbor and I ran a pipe from my property that pumped hazardous waste on to your property, would you take 'The real "conservative" position'?
If I were your next door neighbor and I ran a pipe from my property that pumped hazardous waste on to your property, would you take 'The real "conservative" position'?
Yeah, that's a proper analogy.

Oh wait, no, it's fucking stupid. It's like saying apples and motor oil are the same thing.