Gay Rights and the Republican Primary.....

Homosexuality knows no ideology, several leading Nazis were homosexual.


Hitler was aware of Röhm's homosexuality. At this point they were so close that they addressed each other as du (the German familiar form of "you"). No other top Nazi leader enjoyed that privilege, and their close association led to rumors of Hitler's homosexuality. Röhm was the only Nazi who dared address Hitler as "Adolf" rather than "mein Führer."
You just make sure you handle that when you get elected president there, mistah!

Most likely the gay population of this country is closer to 20% when you include all the closet cases like you. Acceptance of gays is nearing 70%.

Which means you're fighting a losing battle there, twinkie lover.

Listen queer quit fantasizing about me being gay! Married, two kids, love the Lord.
The California Two Step is going to be even more interesting.
Since California voters voted down gay marriage, it will be fun watching the Dem candidate running on a gay marriage platform and trying to convince them that he's their guy.

There has been a seismic shift in approval of Gay Marriage since they voted on Prop 8.

Ill give 10 to 1 odds on a pro gay rights Democrat getting all of California's electoral votes in the next presidential election.
"Gay" in my opinion is all a matter of degree anyway. Most people have the capacity to find some members of the same sex attractive.

Everyone falls on a continuum of "gayness" on a scale of 1 - 10 there are very very few 1's and very very few 10's.
There has been a seismic shift in approval of Gay Marriage since they voted on Prop 8.

Ill give 10 to 1 odds on a pro gay rights Democrat getting all of California's electoral votes in the next presidential election.

Total shift. Won't hurt a Dem candidate here in California at all; they won't lose votes because they support marriage equality.
There has been a seismic shift in approval of Gay Marriage since they voted on Prop 8.

Ill give 10 to 1 odds on a pro gay rights Democrat getting all of California's electoral votes in the next presidential election.

Because of the liberal mindset of California; they would give their votes to anyone with a D after their name, even if he raped his secretary on the steps of a court house.