Gays can marry in CA after June 17 ?

I know he is not talking to me. I have seen many many people. Considering his age it is not physically possible or mathmatically either.
god wouldn't make some men gay if he disapproved now would he?
It's called temptation. In the Book they believe in, it says that gawd won't give you burdens unless you are strong enough to overcome them. Therefore gawd was saying he had great confidence in their ability to overcome a heavy burden indeed.
It's called temptation. In the Book they believe in, it says that gawd won't give you burdens unless you are strong enough to overcome them. Therefore gawd was saying he had great confidence in their ability to overcome a heavy burden indeed.

You know it could just mean that God is a bi-sexual voyeur.
It's called temptation. In the Book they believe in, it says that gawd won't give you burdens unless you are strong enough to overcome them. Therefore gawd was saying he had great confidence in their ability to overcome a heavy burden indeed.

so he physically wires them to be only attracted to men and not women so that he can tempt them? makes no fucking sense.
All I can add is...............

The Mayor of Vallejo,California is Gay as well as quite a few of the Council Members...along with most of the Bay Area...and as it now stands...Vallejo is in will most other California cities be in the future with all this liberalism...end of story! Carry on all you Gay enablers...self destruction is your game...:cof1:
So moral bankruptcy causes monetary bankruptcy ? That must be why our dollar is down and were have been on the cusp of a recession for 6 months or so.

I did not realize bush was gay though.
But he's not...........

So moral bankruptcy causes monetary bankruptcy ? That must be why our dollar is down and were have been on the cusp of a recession for 6 months or so.

I did not realize bush was gay though.

and thats why you hate on him so like him in jeans but he rejected you...and on the serious note: it is congress who has taken us down the road to inflation/recession not the President...and mostly because of the Gay 'Cabelleros' who run it...your boys!:pke:
Look back a govt spending and the debt thru the reagan years BB, who contorlled congress and the whitehouse, etc. learn something.