Gays can marry in CA after June 17 ?

OHH no Armageddon must be on our doorstep :shock:

We're going to be just fine.

And if we attract more gays from other states, bully for us. The gay community disproportionately it seems to me, is comprised of many well educated, talented, technically competent euntrepeneurs and professionals. Just the type of people a dynamic economy, and stable society needs.

In other words, the slack jaw states will continue to bleed some of their best, most tolerant, most talented people to us.
Good point Cypress, but it will make more red states if the more intelligent and educated are drawn to CA.


I was just thinking that. I don't know if it will make more red states. Just dumber, and more backwards exisiting red states. Alabama will get dumber and redder if their educated, professional gay community moves here. :clink:
Personally gross to me, but whatever.

I used to think so too, but not about two women having sex. But now I don’t mind the idea of two hot men having sex, I’m starting to think it might be fun to watch. I must be turning into a real perv. I mean, I wouldn’t want to see, say BB having sex with Jollie, but Jesus Christ who would want to see those two having sex with anybody, including their most frequent partners; themselves? But like two hot guys. How do you know it wouldn’t be erotic? Two nice-looking women making love is erotic. You know, you shouldn’t knock these things before you try them.
Two women having sex is no problem at all. I will drop whatever I am doing and watch that. I would stop having sex with one woman just to watch two women doing it.

It's just the thought of two guys that makes me want to vomit. I don't begrudge them their right to do it but I could definitely not watch it.

I was just thinking that. I don't know if it will make more red states. Just dumber, and more backwards exisiting red states. Alabama will get dumber and redder if their educated, professional gay community moves here. :clink:

NY will lose all their fashion industry to CA :shock: