I have to amitt I mostly like the tougue in cheek delivery he gives it. He mostly hits the outrage straight on the head for me.
Yeah, they tricked him. It's whitey's fault.So they knew Jesse would be dropping the "N" bomb?
Only because my side is right
I hope the DNC is paying you. If they are not they should.
Dude your party has so screwed the pooch that anyone who still supports its complete failure like you do needs a medical exaime.
Dude, I dont always agree with the party position but I do get real fricking mad when they do the opposite of what they say the platform is. Your party has claimed they are the fiscal party for years now and they cause the higher deficits of the two partys when they have the control. Now they have totally screwed our country in just about every way possible and if you truely believed in what they Claim is the partys aims you would have been screaming at thes current controlers of the republican party and calling them out for the imposters they are. You instead defend all the failures as if they are good things. There is a reason the Dem party is on the right track right now and that is that the Republican party is totally fucked. There was a time in history where I may have considered being a republican. That time no longer exsists and has not for decades. If you were a real republican you would be voting for the dem party just to punish the people fwho have hijacked your party. You dont though, instead you blindly defend complete stupidity and failure because....... Hey why the hell do you do that?
Dude, I dont always agree with the party position but I do get real fricking mad when they do the opposite of what they say the platform is. Your party has claimed they are the fiscal party for years now and they cause the higher deficits of the two partys when they have the control. Now they have totally screwed our country in just about every way possible and if you truely believed in what they Claim is the partys aims you would have been screaming at thes current controlers of the republican party and calling them out for the imposters they are. You instead defend all the failures as if they are good things. There is a reason the Dem party is on the right track right now and that is that the Republican party is totally fucked. There was a time in history where I may have considered being a republican. That time no longer exsists and has not for decades. If you were a real republican you would be voting for the dem party just to punish the people fwho have hijacked your party. You dont though, instead you blindly defend complete stupidity and failure because....... Hey why the hell do you do that?
Christofascist!So what has your party ever done besides kill, maim, and persecute?