Gender Neutrall Marines

If it wasn't for gender neutral politics, there wouldn't be any women in the military in the first place. This is another example of ass hat politicians in uniform in the pentagon trying to advance gender neutral political correctness in the services. The cost waste to the taxpayers for this fluff again has nothing to do with defending the country and everything to do with further using the military for social justice reorganization and indoctrination.
If it wasn't for gender neutral politics, there wouldn't be any women in the military in the first place. This is another example of ass hat politicians in uniform in the pentagon trying to advance gender neutral political correctness in the services. The cost waste to the taxpayers for this fluff again has nothing to do with defending the country and everything to do with further using the military for social justice reorganization and indoctrination.
Your a moron and most woman in the military are likely way smarter than you.
Not that it's saying much
Your a moron and most woman in the military are likely way smarter than you.
Not that it's saying much

And you're a doper jerkoff who never even served in the military.

And the military is about teamwork and teamwork is absolutely essential for survival in combat and as a former frontline infantry grunt myself I know exactly what I'm talking about and the military isn't supposed to be about funny hats that make it look like the goils are equal to the boys.

And I also know what I'm talking about when I label a failure like you.
And you're a doper jerkoff who never even served in the military.

And the military is about teamwork and teamwork is absolutely essential for survival in combat and as a former frontline infantry grunt myself I know exactly what I'm talking about and the military isn't supposed to be about funny hats that make it look like the goils are equal to the boys.

And I also know what I'm talking about when I label a failure like you.
You couldn't get in college or a good job.
You joined with the rest of the dregs of society
Put a fat assed woman in a room full of 20 year old guys and you're going to get allegations of rape and violence against women 'till the cows come home.

Unless you stick her on a submarine then it's all good.
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