Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
They cherry pick science.
Just like they do the Bible. Go figure.

They cherry pick science.
School children know what a dictionary is better than you do. That's nothing for you to be proud of.Sure, sure an electrician knows what a dictionary is better than I do.
Oxford English Dictionary
dictionary, n. & adj.
A book which explains or translates, usually in alphabetical order, the words of a language or languages (or of a particular category of vocabulary)
Merriam Webster
dic·tio·nary ˈdik-shə-ˌner-ē -ˌne-rē
plural dictionaries
: a reference source in print or electronic form containing words usually alphabetically arranged along with information about their forms, pronunciations, functions, etymologies, meanings, and syntactic and idiomatic uses
[ dik-shuh-ner-ee ]
noun, plural dic·tion·ar·ies.
a book or digital resource (such as Dictionary.com) containing a selection of words and information about their meanings, pronunciations, etymologies, inflected forms, derived forms, etc., in either the same or another language; lexicon;
What you are basically noting is that society should separate restrooms and locker rooms by sex rather than gender should they want to create a safe space for females.
Sex = Dichromatic based on biology and is expressed as male or female.
Gender = An artistic expression of what a person feels like today and can be expressed in infinite variety to which anyone can become offended if you didn't automatically and magically use their pronouns they made up seven minutes ago, didn't tell anyone about, and which will change tomorrow.
Just an FYI, there is nothing wrong with a female who still identifies as a woman with more masculine interests and they should be able to exist without being forced to describe themselves on the rainbow spectrum or constantly suggest to them they would be more "comfortable" as a "man".
Anyway, believing that someone can simply put on womanface and go fairly compete in sports with someone who is biologically female is a clearly absurd belief based on wishes and simply does not consider actual fairness to the female athletes. Title IX will die if we continue to play this game.
I don't care what gender someone identifies with, and I will use their pronouns if I know them and support them in many ways. I just also feel that fairness and safety should matter. We have yet to come up with an elegant solution, and may not be able to, but I know that having a man go out after putting on womanface and pummel a female athlete in a UFC octagon is just flat wrong.
Yes. Clothing is designed differently for men than it is for women... anatomical differences, you see.
107 pretend "gender" definitions is nothing but woke...![]()
Sex and gender have been differentiated since 1955, it’s not a new concept.
Two things:
1) I don’t give a fuck how many genders there are. People can identify however they wish. Regardless of their gender, they should be treated equally and fairly.
2) It ain’t woke. Woke has nothing to do with gender.
no one is arguing with your freedom to pretend......
This is for the morons who don’t understand gender.
[FONT="]Sex is usually categorized as female or male but there is variation in the biological attributes that comprise sex and how those attributes are expressed. [COLOR=#040C28][COLOR="#FF0000"]Gender refers to the socially constructed roles, behaviours, expressions and identities of girls, women, boys, men, and gender diverse people.[/COLOR][FONT="]May 8, 2023[/FONT][/COLOR]
[COLOR=#4D5156][FONT=Roboto][COLOR=#3C4043][IMG]https://www.justplainpolitics.com/image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAACAAAAAgCAYAAABzenr0AAAIoUlEQVR4AZ1XA5AsSRP Mqu7p0dr69m772zbtm0bgd 2bdv z7bv2W/t3Zmdme6uyrvu6ZjYuzjnRBaisiq/VGcMnXf7N9C2fSPWNnXBsxwQBLPJEKGxmENXYQKr6rvggyMZA0KjP3Omy8CUm/01iYGA4IhGz1QvnpEMVksS1pveEwAuDPZVebxkVcHC yBiBoPjDTm796 /3iXBH9p3/iMJeQaElBAI750Y75EEhKRfRMIEsMSgqTh10I6jW3ZfMbFt99rC9EG 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 yunZ8fGWopTKHaIojIey9DIY49wmlf2ehN1aHkuHq4qvEFMaGyAKI1jNGQiIMyGCNAUD4bTtW YNyU7rMz0MQwRK4A0G9RnmyYEbKAwCKhK8N1eo9Vj/61ZbTvSNtSyJGNadtd7ZMCaV2xHkYilkBHniAj8MCh/OohcbAdLjLjQyfuObXt15biRD1rcBwCA4qYW4Z7z6iaGLlNCPOFFbeO9qFx 4bjdn3unoOPe YfX6nTpYVECrbtvJK3EwXyQytN2XqtIVEilsPAOkCe7YJtq1daLIMeq7T8oMFXv3fg8Ksn7CK5Q3e3igAzCzC/xhRvayPvVLXz0t32P/ieX325YXDLBUr0wY72Dl286onr0rnJdO3UcL3xgn165yz7g7Gdsea DWdVz0zV6DABIRAikBBA5dSyTIChZE3v pYFn84pJ3NM/4t/WDq2fQFD0FaaPoQV9TQUpq7qyfV/dEFx7LiN2aa/0hnXfnH5KX/9xr2NA5ubdSIJZkBs 3V2wcSwTYDndzv8l8/sfMhV zz0xz92b3npEN9NgxSDlAKYwGyBLIYbyrYvv2fV4l1PWbnpxR92D60/2TguoBQsFigCiC04Clifbt7ys5YdD7QaHN4w0jL3hbr zYcHrMqPgsFaQ1vhktH9wgNnW15xbv3kyDwNLiceLEBCEIBAAxrwQajPjS3v2fTCP5cPrN87UGVZplDCQrgnoihXBtyq51IWbVM9 5 gVSG/vGP9i/sJM8BcqdVojvdtAxs7XW8mq5WNiCgeqDxJ GML2WI 2zw52KlZhXfjh6g8gypXnq/p/Ml0MvOQOrWlA7YxqYZt684KrYbEikOkFT2EQDkAhRYYVBCQlKdQNoYtrGAsrgAjVM5A8RXfsrG5pv0LqcBbr46et2ynut4NV1UNbO3GbCKKZ6mAoBh JfEolov3qHiuMpSZCSIApBwCNkAhkXQKVmKDOqZ17rfmPnnPqdABjGIwlS8RBBSvy7okVjILGFE4AYzYwnBhovVsuegqMyJigSMBmvLjKzammxrVsuMvftBTdv3rtb8jmSByYXy18qhUFAKYBUpiyTjOFa4oj VjigA7OkCRHdzf3vPtl2o6blV77Hl4Ltfa9ZfxxrZUw5Z1e9hekU0IgriMHBKhl3Ada6uAYMR6OJILGUJla M1wBUQbuBhKpEt/atr109trO 81Qjyaq/dDwEbwWhD2/8pWz3mTowe7k5PsKg4kUQq6MsWVUDMnsqAytMbcgJx BK6hN5s08S9C/e6ecJJf4EVI4igx1bZpSKmm9q 8djxF5051dzZa5VKkLgqIAYI11ogEZuIjdGVbhgBNVKWM0FZRgzIBLBKRWyom7PloQW7Hz/hVn3P1sFbd0P2PPjp7B eO/GikzYt2WWV43nRg2IExoRKA0jc cSEiuKuGJ ZypmJzskPOcDq1sUP3bdsvxNKTvIhW/tv344JAkt7KKarn3rx8DOOXLXXEfeK70GCADASWYRAg0IFlY6oK2DE DEYAUQDxseTc3f83SsLdj5ZW/YLyui3aMdEiBmaFTQxKAhQTFdt7e1ceqsPeCEAkfLDxgQIQXHknSBqz yVIH4AisCVPRFankukvOGGjg9bRo IlJtXhREn8jF3/7iChmKhkALLwYI1T1909G EOe9UWEZSFIpWEcp AY7RAx/ETSc0iSjl8CKwYzg5WNwLLx94PPPmlD26I/cwgWFYLEs5Ut5vBW5NuJ1Jxta84yVbX tJvuzdc1bfdSmQ2FTPV6su2NE9n64ZUvP/xZiODVFfvemkLQ6QELGyZG2l1TWpjOTXZUlWbaGoe3X7qpvvN/tvbzeAuynJlpvOUB5e3BrkXfK3XNu12Kpa1uITcZMOtCVS1SxTwcpcA6GAcAR/E9 WQNxjLVYFawbFtNJLM1rujGKUOLUZyxjTZvrUdAb/dXbFIr53cGAJEXKoMyBIggPTmOhGOz5vLHoiY/wZOBZziVhQrlmDRAo4bVqAGtFkRx/yD/DQUkgsrHyGg4YlBMpjCazFQbI81FJ9G6etHKmuHmDtiKADFvuPtuZOE9UmiB6xXQ1LsmqhbDKmEFpX4uGu4Y6XVV4IGNgR9l Hun1wCc6a2S5K/L1wAAAABJRU5ErkJggg==[/IMG]
[url]https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca[/url] › ...
[h=3][URL="https://cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/48642.html#:~:text=Sex%20is%20usually%20categorized%20as,men%2C%20and%20gender%20diverse%20people."]What is gender? What is sex? - CIHR[/URL][/h]
Then you should have no problem with men wearing dresses
men wearong dresses is obviously their problem.......not someone elses......someone should tell them to get help with their problem......
Sex and gender have been differentiated since 1955, it’s not a new concept.
Guess the question then arises: why do you need two words for the same concept? Why not allow ONE of the words to take on more subtle meaning? What's wrong with Gender being the word we use to describe the socially-constructed roles for the sexes?
In fact, according to the OED, "gender" is already distinct from "sex" in at least one definition:
"gender, n.
Psychology and Sociology (originally U.S.). The state of being male or female as expressed by social or cultural distinctions and differences, " (SOURCE)
What they are doing is segmenting a range of behavior.what's new is pretending that people who think there are more than two of either.........that's new.....tell me when we started thinking that men could be women if they wanted to.......
107 pretend definitions and counting.....what's the point?what's new is pretending that people who think there are more than two of either.........that's new.....tell me when we started thinking that men could be women if they wanted to.......
Yes I rather figured. If only the person would try not to post the same bizarre and stupid beliefs...it's such a serious "tell".
107 pretend definitions and counting.....what's the point?
People are just making up things as they go along... Urban Dictionary to an entire new level that really no one takes seriously...
https://www.sexualdiversity.org/edu...e 107 gender identities,to change at any time.) Just making things up as they go along...
Why would anyone need a special word to define how they choose to live their lives? Particularly when most of them are just made up...or have different meanings to different people? Not every Christian or Democrat or Republican or Independent is the same... We are all unique...Labeling is so unnecessary and silly... for example, your use of "half breed kids" and mine are very different...Mine doesn't exist...There is a reason why I can't see the argument for either side where it comes to this issue.
The right thinks that only default-mode specimens of humanity matter, and that the anomalies needn't be accommodated.
These, by the way, are often the ones calling themselves "Christians." I call them vulgarians.
The left, on the other hand, isn't satisfied with respectful behavior towards all.
They also try to tell us how we should feel about it. I call them effete Pollyannas.
This almost helps me understand "independents" but I still can't.
I know that Dutch and Owl aren't registered with a political party,
but I could never understand Frank Apisa being an independent.
Frank and I are products of a loyalty-driven culture where the inability to choose sides is considered a fatal character flaw.
This is to be taken literally. "Independents," with nobody protecting them, often got killed.
Perhaps Frank became so assimilated that he lost his ethnic traits.
I often lamented that our third generation kids were excessively assimilated.
Our eldest doesn't speak a word of Italian
and our baby, who can speak a little Italian, was married to a BPD Mick for nearly a decade
but they didn't have any half-breed kids.