
It's quite easy to poke fun at a bogus position that you created and falsely attributed to me, isn't it??

Now try addressing my actual position for a change... :)
Oh wait, you don't have the balls to do it... ;) ;)

You really can't follow a conversation, can you??? No wait... you CAN follow it, you know full well that you've been whipped six different ways to Sunday, so your strategy is erect strawmen and set them on fire... Wow, good job burning a strawman... anyone can do that... now try burning helium.

Because it's done for appearance purposes. It doesn't lead to the happiness that one believes it will lead to...


Bogus position assignments. You can set a strawman on fire. GOOD FOR YOU!!! Now try that with helium.

There is no such thing as a "sex change" surgery. It has yet to be performed.

Mantra 16a
No in that case have is the veb dipshit.

Yes a noun referring to the act. Again a nurse can nurse.

Has anyone ever offered to have sex with Into the Night? << -- Does sex mean "sexual intercourse" in that sentence? Does that make sex a noun or the verb you claimed?

(You might want to go back and look at the sentences where you claimed I was using gender as a verb.)
Point of clarification, I mentioned 80+ genders not because I believe there are 80+ genders but because others have made that claim.
Correct. I am fully aware of that fact, and so is Poor Richard Saunders... However, he knows that he can't "win the argument" by being honest about that fact, so he is now resorting to making up a plethora of bogus positions and is responding to those self-created bogus positions instead... IOW, he is splashing around along the shoreline, and calling that "swimming", instead of actually swimming across the river. It's a diversion tactic to divert away from the questions asked of him... and from the actual positions that people are taking. His king has been tipped long ago.

As you correctly stated the transphiles are the ones who think gender and sex are different therefore the number could be endless since gender is based solely on someone's feelings according to them. I'm not sure that posters reads very well.
It definitely appears that way, although I suspect that he's doing it on purpose at this point.
'Gender affirming surgery' is just mutilation. It DOES result in a higher suicide rate.
Bingo. Such people are generally unhappy to begin with, and then are misled by leftists to believe that "gender affirming surgery" will bring them happiness, but once they realize that they've mutilated themselves and that they will never be desirable to the opposite sex due to mutilating themselves, they become even more unhappy. If they didn't already commit suicide before that point, they have an even greater chance of committing suicide after that point (on top of living shorter lives if they don't commit suicide due to the mental and physical damage that they've brought upon themselves).

Leftists don't like to actually speak to such people, if those people are still alive to tell the tale, because they don't end up telling the tale as leftists would want them to tell it. I've actually listened to such people talk about their regret. It's very sad and very hard to listen to.
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Which position do you prefer during gender?

** How do "dictionary definitions" come to be?

** How can you reasonably deny that 'huge' and 'gigantic' are synonyms when even The Dictionary that you consider to be an authoritative source considers those words as synonyms?

** How can you reasonably deny that 'sex' and 'gender' are synonyms in this context when even The Dictionary that you consider to be an authoritative source considers those words as synonyms in this context (even explaining how those words have been used synonymously for at least a handful of centuries, until the Church of Perversion decided to hijack the word)?

** How many genders are there?
So now you're switching from the noun to the verb? You really are whacked arent you?
Yes, he is. It's all he has left...

** nouns are verbs
** synonyms are "part-timers"
** men can change into women
** definitions didn't exist before dictionaries

on and on and on...
Correct. I am fully aware of that fact, and so is Poor Richard Saunders... However, he knows that he can't "win the argument" by being honest about that fact, so he is now resorting to making up a plethora of bogus positions and is responding to those self-created bogus positions instead... IOW, he is splashing around along the shoreline, and calling that "swimming", instead of actually swimming across the river. It's a diversion tactic to divert away from the questions asked of him... and from the actual positions that people are taking. His king has been tipped long ago.

It definitely appears that way, although I suspect that he's doing it on purpose at this point.

Yeah he has surrendered
Yes, he is. It's all he has left...

** nouns are verbs
** synonyms are "part-timers"
** men can change into women
** definitions didn't exist before dictionaries

on and on and on...

Its a minor miracle that someone that stupid can actually operate a computer.

Are you arguing that dictionaries don't provide valid or common definitions?
Dictionaries provide information on usage, and many include incorrect usage because it is nonetheless usage that might be encountered. Dictionaries could only provide definitions for words if there were an authoritative source that somehow owns the English language and that provides the definitions, thus leaving all dictionaries with identical definitions without deviation.

So what do we find in dictionaries? Do we find the same definition across all dictionaries, or do we find vastly differing descriptions of meanings and usages? Anybody?

If synonyms are always identical to each other then why did you claim my use of the synonyms vast and gigantic was slight of hand?
My dictionary says that "sleight" is spelled "sleight."

gfm7175 was referring to your misuse of "vast" and "gigantic" in this case as the deceptive tactic that it was. You surreptitiously swapped in a non-synonym context when the context was of synonyms. Masterfully done. I hope that helps.

I never said they weren't synonyms.
Exactly. You gave no warning that you were about to palm the synonymous meanings while showing the audience the non-synonymous meanings of the words. You were being surreptitious. Masterfully done.

I said they can't be used interchangeably
Exactly ... all the while the context was "synonyms." Masterful use of sleight of hand.

The number of genders is irrelevant
The number of genders is EVERYTHING. How many are there? Just tell us. Some of us have heavy bets riding on this so please help us out. I was going to dump all my cash into a shitcoin cryptocurrency but then this thread came along and I shifted gears, throwing it all into the gender pool. How many are there?

Yeah he has surrendered
His final tactic was to try implementing 'Rule 5' of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals (ridicule is man's most potent weapon). That's why he started trying to get a rise out of me with his "what position do you have gender in" (and related) commentary, hoping that I'd get frustrated by the irrationality of it and try rationally fighting back against it, in which he'd just continue on with his ridiculing due to it getting the desired result. As he didn't get the desired result, he's now lost interest.

It's easy pickin's with these morons when you know their tactics...
His final tactic was to try implementing 'Rule 5' of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals (ridicule is man's most potent weapon). That's why he started trying to get a rise out of me with his "what position do you have gender in" (and related) commentary, hoping that I'd get frustrated by the irrationality of it and try rationally fighting back against it, in which he'd just continue on with his ridiculing due to it getting the desired result. As he didn't get the desired result, he's now lost interest.

It's easy pickin's with these morons when you know their tactics...

And it's slim pickins'
His final tactic was to try implementing 'Rule 5' of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals (ridicule is man's most potent weapon).
Cypress has only two rules.
1. Google for four minutes. Copy-paste for two.
2. Ridicule responses with a ":lolup::lolup::lolup::lolup:"

3. Repeat.
Yes, he is. It's all he has left...

** nouns are verbs
** synonyms are "part-timers"
** men can change into women
** definitions didn't exist before dictionaries

on and on and on...

Would you care to point out what the verb is in the following? Then you might want to inform Yakuda.

Has anyone ever offered to have sex with you?
Or does the thought of having sex with you make them want to puke?

Is sex a verb in either of those two sentences?

Has anyone ever offered to have gender with you? Or does the thought of having gender with you make them want to puke?
Now tell us why gender is a verb if gender is a synonym for sex.

I'm holding my breath in anticipation of your explanation of which is a verb and which is a noun.