My my, Boob. You truly ARE a glutton for punishment!
yes you did a lot of flogging owl thing , you are a talent less slut
My my, Boob. You truly ARE a glutton for punishment!
Flog me! Flog me harder!
I dont seek approval. I also NEVER insult individual forum members EXCEPT in response to their starting with insults. so I think I am fair.. that'll do for me. You may wish to elaborate on what "rebuke" means in your context. I dont mind being rebuked. People REBUKE each other but on respectful disagreements. Insults are another matter and are NOT rebukes.
What you do is insult a specific group of posters in every single one of your threads, then when someone gives it back to you, you cry foul.
I dont seek approval. I also NEVER insult individual forum members EXCEPT in response to their starting with insults. so I think I am fair.. that'll do for me. You may wish to elaborate on what "rebuke" means in your context. I dont mind being rebuked. People REBUKE each other but on respectful disagreements. Insults are another matter and are NOT rebukes.
I know all about that.
We both know all about that.
Hope referring to me as "c-word" made you feel better about yourself.
You know a forum has reached the lowest point possible when threads such as this are permitted. I am a free speech absolutist but if a forum has not respect as the mainstay of integrity then it will fade and fade into a simple clique, gossip, point scoring stall.
That said - given my short time on here I would be proud to be voted the most hated - especially when leftie dems are doing the voting.
its a tie for me blow hole dutch the coward or bidenpresident both waste of skin
Oh Boob. You're so hard on yourself. Please look up Mason and ask him for a recommendation on how to choose a good dominatrix. A good flogging will set you to rights!
It made my point.
It really depends on who you ask!
Bulletbob is quite a piece of work.
I don't know if you're the most hated, but you sure have a shitload of posters obsessed...
I don't know if you're the most hated, but you sure have a shitload of posters obsessed...
Who isn't "obsessed" with the retarded village clowns?
The Kings sure did until they had their heads lopped off.
It's like this with us JPP posters pointing at him.
It's cute that he thinks he has any effect on people.