General Pace is Immoral


is adultery immoral? is incest immoral? is pedophilia immoral? is rape immoral? is stealing from another immoral?

all just individual emotion as you say...?
My beliefs?

Adultery: somewhat (I think it's more an ethical question, really)
Incest: no (not if consensual and no children are involved)
Pedophilia: yes (because children are involved by definition)
Rape: always (because it is by definitition violent and injurious)
Stealing: usually (it can be justified under some extreme circumstances)

But those are my individual beliefs/opinions. They have no significance outside my own life, except insofar as I help to shape the social consensus.

Like everyone else, my beliefs result in part from my emotions and prejudices. My "gut feelings" in the vernacular. I try very hard, though, to not let my emotions rule my opinions.

Just out of curiosity, are you saying he is immoral for stating his beliefs? Or that in some way his beliefs make him immoral?

While I don't necessarily agree with him on this issue, I don't think it is immoral for him to voice what he believes.

Just my thought on the matter

He has the right to say whatever he wants and I have the right to tell him he's a fascist for it.