General Patton Knew How To Win Wars

You're the one who's wrong. Patton may not have liked the ruskies. Who would. But when you say that we fought the wrong enemy or that we fought for the wrong side, that is what he meant. Hitler wasn't the problem. Stalin was. Next, I don't care what branch of the military it is. I lump them all under the same heading. The military. As for the Saudi terrorists, what difference does it make where they were living. They were Saudi. That's enough. Next, there are three different kinds of muslims that I'm aware of. Sunni, Shia and Whhabi. Whhabi is mostly a Saudi thing. And from what I hear, the most fundamentalist of them all. Ever see the Saudi flag? That isn't an olive branch of peace on it. As for what Saddam may or may not have funded, who knows. They also said that he was making nuclear and chemical weapons. That turned out to not be the case either.


:awesome: :laugh: :bs:

:facepalm: :idonteven:
From out of nowhere 1+1 started to = 3

This one worked just fine. Ten to fifteen minutes and it was a done deal.


I’m not into gay sex with a witness. We’re in the restaurant, look who’s there and what she did.

Why don’t you just tell him nice? Why don’t you just tell her nice?

Spanish slang for "hangover"

Now it’s tou of us. What did ywo seA. Psychotic!


Lets put them in a room together.
Patton is WAY overrated.
Good at some things.
Bad at others.

He NEVER fought in a campaign (outside of early in Africa and during the Bulge) where he did not have complete and total air superiority.
He fought nothing but a crumbling nation with massive fuel problems that was being bombed by day and night.
All with gigantic superiorities in logistics/troops/equipment.

Any idiot can win battles when he holds all the cards.
It's winning when you don't that takes skill.

Plus he was racist and INCREDIBLY anti-semitic.
He fooled around on his wife like crazy, smacked a shell-shocked soldier and clearly cared more about his place in history than his troops.

His Lorraine Campaign sucked.
And he got hundreds of brave soldiers killed/wounded/captured trying to raid a POW camp (where he thought his son-in-law was) with barely a month left in the war.

He was not only an overrated General who blabbed his way to fame.
He was also a loser of a human being.
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HUH WUT!! You can’t get rid of him and he always knows better.

Because he has this big melon head with a big brain inside.
When ever he gets a headache. He’s forced to take the whole
bottle of extra strength Tylenol.

When were kids he had a bad case of acne and deam says
to him. Yo! What happened, you got attacked by a Hershey bar?


Let me be manipulative behind your back.

One of his immediate relatives ended up in the cam.
Now he works in the can.
Now he got out of the can.
He still works in the can.
He lays low in the background.
Who knows what plans he has in store.

Timothy Kaczynski
Ted McVeigh

What's it mean to resent someone?
Resentment describes a negative emotional reaction to being mistreated. ... A person experiencing resentment will often feel a complex variety of emotions that include anger, disappointment, bitterness, and hard feelings. Resentment is commonly triggered by: Relationships with people who insist on being right all the time.
This day marked their first taste of the “real thing.”

This is the lie from which all the other lies come from. The Third Army was not going to see combat on D-Day. It was not preparing for combat on D-Day. It was not capable of combat on D-Day. Patton did not even know that D-Day was about to happen.

The Third Army was a diversionary force meant to look like a real combat army, but not actually be a real combat army. The actual forces being used on D-Day was the First Army. Patton had received orders to have as much of the Third Army on leave as possible. They wanted the entire Third Army on the streets of England, so the Germans would think there was no attack about to happen.

It was the easiest assignment given to any military commander, ever, and Patton failed at it. All he had to do was clear out the bases, and have his troops go get drunk. Instead, he grabbed over a thousand troops and gave them a rousing speech to make himself feel better.

Maybe that's why Truman couldn't allow him or MacArthur to retain command.

Patton lost command because he died. Truman kept Patton in command of the Third even through Patton doing absolutely stupid things.

MacArthur retained command for 6 years after Truman became President. Truman supported MacArthur even as MacArthur broke all rules for military command, not least of which running for political office while in uniform. Truman supported MacArthur through the worst defeat of American forces in the last 150 years. Truman supported MacArthur while MacArthur showed flagrant disrespect to the President, and the American system.

I didn't say Truman ordered anyone to be killed. I said Truman couldn't allow him or MacArthur to retain command.

If you had said that Truman killed Patton, that would have made more sense. It would have been untrue, but would have made sense.

Truman allowed MacArthur to retain command for 6 years. Not only allowed him to retain command, but actively gave him an exception to mandatory retirement.

General Patton did not fight a war that would be fought today. He would very likely be clueless.

It is a fact that Patton had trouble following simple orders. That failure cost America then, but would cost America far more today.