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Cypress:Dumb . It's equivalent to whining that science hasn't answered every single question we can possibly ask, and made us omniscient.
Evolution by natural selection has nothing to do with the origin of life, which is still an open question.
There are transitional fossils between archaic primates of the Miocene, and modern homo sapiens. Australopithecenes, Homo Habilis, Homo Erectus all show anatomical traits which progressively transition from more ape-like to more human-like through time.
There isn't any fossil evidence of the last common ancestor of all life, because it was a single celled prokaryote and single cells almost never leave a fossil record because they are fragile. There are also almost no rocks that survive from the time period of the last common ancestor. Genetic evidence is what establishes a link between extant life and a last common ancestor that lived around 3.5 billion years ago.
This might come to you as a shock, but Darwin's evolution theory and modern-day evolution theory both rely on the debunked abiogenesis theory (life coming to life from non-life by itself), because they claim there had to have been a common BIOLOGIC ancestor from which all other life forms evolved (including plants, animals, fish, insects, and everything that is considered to be "biologic.")
DARWIN'S THEORY IN 1859: (Origin of Species, p. 484)
"Therefore I should infer from analogy that probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed."
"Scientific theory
The commonly accepted scientific theory about how life has changed since it originated has three major aspects.1. The common descent of all organisms from (more or less) a single ancestor.
2. The origin of novel traits in a lineage
3. The mechanisms that cause some traits to persist while others perish"