George Carlin: I Don't Vote

I understand your point, and agree, but not voting is no answer. We need at lease a viable third party, or even better an end to the primary system.

Ranked voting is an intriguing option.

None of this will happen when looking for an alternative, someone like Trump makes people run back to the awful system. What we don’t need when amending the system is to end up with a madman dictator.
Who will never leave office without a fight.

Agreed not voting is not a good answer. Also agreed on ranked voting, I support the option.
I understand your point, and agree, but not voting is no answer. We need at lease a viable third party, or even better an end to the primary system.

Ranked voting is an intriguing option.

None of this will happen when looking for an alternative, someone like Trump makes people run back to the awful system. What we don’t need when amending the system is to end up with a madman dictator.
Who will never leave office without a fight.

Trump is actually the argument to use to support that people are fed up with the system. Bernie as well. The two leading political parties will never be a catalyst for change because they have no incentive too. And in their defense, why would they? They have a monopoly.

Change has to come from the people but ultimately we never do anything. We sit on boards like this fighting every day while the two parties laugh at us. We tell people they are throwing away their vote and that you’re not a serious person if you don’t vote for one of the two parties. That’s the opposite of change.

Carlin and Kaepernicks argument does make sense in that context.
And ranked voting is crap. We have it in the Bay Area and it does nothing (positive). Anyone who proclaims we need the popular vote to elect the President should not support ranked choice voting in any way.
Hanging the primary system would help also… the R’s are are up to get extremism’s and the D’Souza are set to ensure only moderates get in.
Wow. How woke of you to care about the mentally ill and the homeless. There might be hope for you yet, COgoat.
You obviously don't read my posts. Something like 20% of homeless are vets. They're unable to cope with what they did on the battlefield. You don't get PTSD from playing war games.
You obviously don't read my posts. Something like 20% of homeless are vets. They're unable to cope with what they did on the battlefield. You don't get PTSD from playing war games.
I've read enough of your posts to know you have a severe lack of empathy, COgoat. What does that make you?
People continue to vote the same way. If they really are that unhappy then it’s amazing cognitive dissonance.

there's two bad choices offered. most people know it's futile but still WANT to have hope. but they know the truth, divide and conquer globalist fascist shill.
Political parties are corrupt unless you think colluding together to not allow other people/parties to participate in the democratic process is on the up and up.

McCain Feingold was going to do nothing other than shuffle where the money comes from. If you think it was going to be some panacea or would change the system then you are sadly mistaken. And six month publicly funded elections are great for incumbents and those who already have name recognition. Same good bye to the little guy in that scenario.

You’re just reinforcing why Carlin and Kaepernick say they don’t vote.

It was an attempt to deal with the money problem in politics. It failed,but they did something. I do not recall saying it was going to solve the problem. What it did was recognize the problem and try to make it better.
I vote Dem because they do care about the people even though the wealthy have built walls protecting their power.
I've read enough of your posts to know you have a severe lack of empathy, COgoat. What does that make you?
I worked the church kitchens feeding the homeless on Thanksgiving and Christmas. You know nothing about me.
I worked the church kitchens feeding the homeless on Thanksgiving and Christmas.

You know nothing about me.
Community service for a DUI? I've been reading your posts for years, COgoat.

I know your personality, even if I don't know the details of your history.
Community service for a DUI? I've been reading your posts for years, COgoat.

I know your personality, even if I don't know the details of your history.
You're pulling things out of your ass again. It takes a good team to cook for 100s of people. You can't even cook for yourself.
Calling me a sock proves you lack the ability to play nice with others. That's why you have so many tribute threads.
You're the one claiming to be the nice guy not me. You're the one putting on airs, not me. Ergo, you are the liar and the hypocrite.

What does so many tribute threads in my honor say about me? I especially like the ones I'm banned from participating. Why do you think that interests me?
You're the one claiming to be the nice guy not me. You're the one putting on airs, not me. Ergo, you are the liar and the hypocrite.

What does so many tribute threads in my honor say about me? I especially like the ones I'm banned from participating. Why do you think that interests me?
You're talking out your ass again. Tribute threads prove that you don't even make an attempt to find common ground with others here. Owl has an excuse because of her brain damage. What's yours?
It was an attempt to deal with the money problem in politics. It failed,but they did something. I do not recall saying it was going to solve the problem. What it did was recognize the problem and try to make it better.
I vote Dem because they do care about the people even though the wealthy have built walls protecting their power.

If you want to give them credit for legislation that was never going to address the problem then that is your prerogative.

This thread is about the argument for not voting (not why someone votes Dem or Republican) but pretty funny to hear people on the left talk about blue states being financially dominant and right wingers being uneducated traitor park types and then you complain about rich people. Again, not the point of the thread though.
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You're talking out your ass again.

Tribute threads prove that you don't even make an attempt to find common ground with others here.

Owl has an excuse because of her brain damage. What's yours?
QED, COgoat. You hate anyone who disagrees with you. Your attack on TOW is evidence that you don't care about anyone but yourself.

Disagreed on the tribute threads. You're faulting the hated for the acts of the haters. That's irrational, COgoat.