George Santos claimed his mother died on 9/11

The republicans and fox did this to us...

That's a victim mentality, evince.

The Japanese whine about being nuked...often with the help of LWers. /irony

Americans were the victims at Pearl Harbor, and then reminded the Japanese about the error of their ways on August 6, 1945.

Kicking the shit out of your enemies is the opposite of a victim mentality.

The Democrats and most Americans believe in democracy

That means no force

That means a choice we make as a people about what we do

The Republican Party no longer believes in voting

They have cheated in elections for decades
Fully court documented

Republicans are the ones trying to FORCE racist ideas on Americans lives
If all you wrote is true, then why do 50% of Americans consistently vote against Democrats, evince?

Why do 70% of American voters refuse to become Democrats?
If all you wrote is true, then why do 50% of Americans consistently vote against Democrats, evince?

Why do 70% of American voters refuse to become Democrats?

Lies spread by the republicans and our enemies

Remember that half of independents vote Democratic
Republicans hate peoples being woke

Woke means in possession of the facts and aware of reality

That is why Republicans hate woke
The phrase stay woke had emerged in AAVE by the 1930s, in some contexts referring to an awareness of the social and political issues affecting African Americans. The phrase was uttered in a recording by Lead Belly and later by Erykah Badu. Following the shooting of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri in 2014, the phrase was popularised by Black Lives Matter (BLM) activists seeking to raise awareness about police shootings of African Americans. After seeing use on Black Twitter, the term woke became an Internet meme and was increasingly used by white people, often to signal their support for BLM, which some commentators have criticised as cultural appropriation. Mainly associated with the millennial generation, the term spread internationally and was added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 2017.
Fucking racists hate it when Americans know the true racial history that racists have worked hard to obscure

Fucking racists are who the anti Woke are

Trash Woke people and be known as a racist by those who have the actual facts
Not knowing history makes people stupid

When you make decisions you make stupid ones if you don’t know history
The funniest part of this is that Republicans lapped this up like stray dogs lapping up a homeless man's puke.

Donald Trump has taught his contemporaries well, like DeSantis, that all he has to do, is go out and take a DUMP on 5th avenue, and his idiot cult followers will gobble up all the peanuts out of his SHIT! HOW QUICKLY THEY LEARN!
Really? Democrats are supposed to vet the other party's candidates for them? Since when? By trying to hold Santos and the GOP accountable now the Dems are doing all they can do. I'm curious to see how McCarthy, if he ever has the courage to comment on this, will handle it.

The GOP has turned into a festering boil on the world's bottom.

The Dems did oppo research. The news thought he was a joke and did not make it important. They should have, but they believed their own polling. In any case, it was not the Dems fault that the Reds nominated a complete and utter liar.
You not only ran him, but you voted for him.
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