George Santos explains his credentials

The issue here is that Santos... or whatever his actual name is...won in a pretty Blue district.

Running as a gay/Jew ish/wealthy/educated/low income/uneducated candidate. All the while Zeldin was on the air screeching about crime taxes, etc. in an attempt to beat Hochul.

Best joke I've heard to date about Santos' appearance:

He looks like Marco Rubio's Clark Kent.

It was a bait and switch. How much of Santos' history did the voters know before they elected him?
It was a bait and switch. How much of Santos' history did the voters know before they elected him?
NY had an interesting election. With a Pa. special master deciding new districts, it changed quite a bit in NY. It made no sense as other states had racist, voter suppressing redistricting upheld by the Supreme Court.

With Zeldin flapping his gums every day in his run against Hochul, it brought out a lot of Reublicans. Santos was soundly beaten in an earlier run, so nobody paid much attention to him on either side of the aisle. Republicans didn't think he would win, and Democrats thought he was a joke.

Not unlike trump's 16 run.