Georgia school shooting suspect previously investigated for threats, FBI says

Odd how the FBI can't deal with a kid who threatened to shoot up a school but they can identify and arrest a grandmother carrying a flag at the capitol on J6.
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Prayer banned in 62. First mass shooting, Texas Tower 1966. First workplace shooting 1967.
Charles Whitman, the Austin Texas tower shooter, had a brain tumor which authorities believe caused him to have a psychotic episode.

As for the supposed influence of God, his mother was a devout Roman Catholic who raised her sons in the same denomination. The Whitman brothers regularly attended Mass with their mother, and all three brothers served as altar boys.

So much for your removal of God = mass shooter bullshit.

On another note, speaking of influences for violent behavior, his father was a gun collector and enthusiast, who taught him to shoot, clean, and maintain weapons. He regularly took him hunting, and he too became an avid hunter and marksman.

His father said of him: "Charlie could plug the eye out of a squirrel by the time he was sixteen

On the day of the shooting, he killed his mother and his wife before climbing the tower.

By 1962, the year you claim God was removed from public schools, he had already graduated high school, done a hitch in the Marines and was enrolled in college.

Sounds more like a case of having God and guns shoved down your throat by conservative adults is what turns a kid into a mass shooter, not vice versa.

You're a moron and a typical dumbass N4T.
I would say that of most all the people I know, the conservatives seem happy and the most content with their lives. The lefties, far too many of them think like you post. Re-read what you typed and you will know what I mean.

You remind me of,
You are an obvious mental defective.
are you arguing for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment?
I would like to see it amended, re-written and updated to reflect the needs and concerns of modern society.

I would like to see a tightening down on the unfettered proliferation of certain kinds of guns and the banning of certain others, along with any attachments or accessories that unduly increase the capacity and firing rate of existing guns. I would also support a ban on hollow point bullets and any other kind designed to spread out on impact.
Charles Whitman, the Austin Texas tower shooter, had a brain tumor which authorities believe caused him to have a psychotic episode.

As for the supposed influence of God, his mother was a devout Roman Catholic who raised her sons in the same denomination. The Whitman brothers regularly attended Mass with their mother, and all three brothers served as altar boys.

So much for your removal of God = mass shooter bullshit.

On another note, speaking of influences for violent behavior, his father was a gun collector and enthusiast, who taught him to shoot, clean, and maintain weapons. He regularly took him hunting, and he too became an avid hunter and marksman.

His father said of him: "Charlie could plug the eye out of a squirrel by the time he was sixteen

On the day of the shooting, he killed his mother and his wife before climbing the tower.

By 1962, the year you claim God was removed from public schools, he had already graduated high school, done a hitch in the Marines and was enrolled in college.

Sounds more like a case of having God and guns shoved down your throat by conservative adults is what turns a kid into a mass shooter, not vice versa.

You're a moron and a typical dumbass N4T.
And yet, there is a correlation in time. Christianity was around long before and there weren't mass shootings. And he's not the first guy to get a brain tumor. It's also when LBJ created his Great (white) Society.

It has nothing to do with gun production. And you know in the 60's and 70's, everyones dad had at least a pistol in the dresser drawer.
I don't believe this is a sound argument, especially given what Nomad just posted
It contributed to an overall change in societal values just like abortion, especially in the devaluation of the sacredness of human life.
I would like to see it amended, re-written and updated to reflect the needs and concerns of modern society.

I would like to see a tightening down on the unfettered proliferation of certain kinds of guns and the banning of certain others, along with any attachments or accessories that unduly increase the capacity and firing rate of existing guns. I would also support a ban on hollow point bullets and any other kind designed to spread out on impact.
what do you believe that the needs and concerns of modern society are? how are they now different than what they were when The B of R was ratified?
And yet, there is a correlation in time. Christianity was around long before and there weren't mass shootings. And he's not the first guy to get a brain tumor. It's also when LBJ created his Great (white) Society.

People had been murdering people for centuries, mostly in an era where belief in the Bible was more the norm than not.

If anything, modern technology and modern weaponry helped him do what he did. High powered rifles were relatively recent innovation and modern rifle scopes, previously only readily available to the military had only become mass produced for the general public by the mid 20th century.

Right around the time of Whitman's meltdown.
It has nothing to do with gun production. And you know in the 60's and 70's, everyones dad had at least a pistol in the dresser drawer.

It has everything to do with gun production which translates into availability which translates into increased useage.

And of all the gun owners I knew, I a non-gun owner, was the only one whose father had guns in the house. A WWI era Russian Nagant revolver for which ammo was difficult to obtain, and an early 20th century double barrelled 20 ga shotgun.

Both of which I inherited and still own to this day.
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It contributed to an overall change in societal values just like abortion, especially in the devaluation of the sacredness of human life.
You've got it bass-ackwards.

It was the changing social values and better education especially in science, which led to a decline in religiosity.

Human life is and always has been sacred to most, not sacred at all to others.

In today's world, the latter type have more efficient means of showing their lack of respect for life.

As usual, “he was on our radar”. We knew about him
Wait a minute, the FBI checked out parents who publicly threatened school board members and you cultist went bananas and now you are bitching because they didn’t keep a 13 year old kid under their thumb

People had been murdering people for centuries, mostly in an era where belief in the Bible was more the norm than not.

If anything, modern technology and modern weaponry helped him do what he did. High powered rifles were relatively recent innovation and modern rifle scopes, previously only readily available to the military had only become mass produced for the general public by the mid 20th century.

Right around the time of Whitman's meltdown.

It has everything to do with gun production which translates into availability which translates into increased useage.

And of all the gun owners I knew, I a non-gun owner, was the only one whose father had guns in the house. A WWI era Russian Nagant revolver for which ammo was difficult to obtain, and an early 20th century double barrelled 20 ga shotgun.

Both of which I inherited and still own to this day.
Deflection, we are not talking about "murders". And most mass shooters don't use a scope another deflection. :palm: Your daddy's guns, another deflection from mass shooting.
You've got it bass-ackwards.

It was the changing social values and better education especially in science, which led to a decline in religiosity.

Human life is and always has been sacred to most, not sacred at all to others.

In today's world, the latter type have more efficient means of showing their lack of respect for life.
Neither legalizing abortion, nor banning of prayer, had anything to do with science. Just another weakass deflection. It is moral decay that has led to school shootings.
Black teens kill way way way more people than white teens do!!!!!!!! FACT!
Small consolation to the surviving family members of the victims of mass shootings (predominantly white, as are the shooters). Unlike like sheet wearing schmucks like you, THE MAJORITY OF AMERICANS REGARDLESS OF RACE, CREED OR COLOR WANT UNIVERSAL GUN CONTROL LAWS IN ADDITION TO BRINING BACK THE 1994 AWB. They are NOT focused on racial stats per se.

You don't care about the victims or the causes, as that pointy hood is so tight you dare not allow rational thinking to occur. That and you would banned from the next cross burning.

Chicago Leads The Nation In Mass Shootings, Averaging About One Per Week​

All black!
And again, WHAT IS YOUR POINT? That any mass shooting committed by white perpetrators is excused or minimized?

Again, do you think that the surviving victims/family members of any mass shooting give a damn about the color or the perpetrator, much less the immediate motivation of the shooter?

And again, have you sheet wearing schmucks bothered to differentiate between gangster shootings and those committed by the mentally unhinged/personal vengeance?

But since this is such an obsession for you:

WHEN BLACK, BROWN, TAN, YELLOW, WHITE AMERICANS ACROSS THE COUNTRY CALL FOR BANS ON ASSAULT WEAPONS OR UNIVERSAL BACKGROUND CHECKS, POS LIKE YOU, VOLE, ADVOCATE AND VOTE AGAINST IT. So spare us all your BS, because you really don't give a damn about your fellow human beings regardless of who or what they are.
Maybe you libturds should teach kids not to shoot other kids like we were taught.

You are one sick fucktard.
Please show us all the valid documented FACTS that list the political/social leanings of all the mass shooters in the last 30 years. If you can't, then you're just (again) blowing gun monkey smoke out of your rear end.
VOLS IS SICK!!! I mean off the charts sick.

A quick image search of the internet shows that is Sidney Keys III. He has created a website called which sells kids books, and encourages them to read. Not only has he not murdered anyone, but he has started a business, and encouraged children to read.

But to Vols he will always be nothing but a "nigger", and so he must secretly be a murderer.

Vole, like some of his brethren here, are just pointy hooded trolls .... short on cognitive reasoning and critical thinking, but long of straw grasping racist ideology, imagery and propaganda. It's all they've got in their pathetic lives. Sad, really.