Get ready for raids at other Trump locations

Bullshit. Answer my questions on why everything costs so much since Biden took office.


Inflation. World wide phenomenon. You of course lied about the extent of inflation in the other thread. Are you a compulsive liar? It would appear so.
Inflation. World wide phenomenon. You of course lied about the extent of inflation in the other thread. Are you a compulsive liar? It would appear so.

Your incompetence is showing. Quit while you're behind.
Russia collusion. Does that ring a bell, for starters?

Nope. Specifically what was the lie I told? I'll wait.

Now, as for you. You lied about inflation. You lied about Dems lying. That's just today. Carry on.
In your own mind, you are. Sad it's so empty of reasonable thought.

Let's recap. You claimed Dems lied. I pressed you on it, and you responded by babbling about a reporter and classified documents. Then you tried to change the subject to me. I'm flattered, but not fooled. What did Dems lie about with respect to this search? I'll understand if you try to change the subject again. This one isn't a winner for you.
Supply chain bottlenecks, which are happening across the world and are a result of COVID hangover and the war in Ukraine

Those bottlenecks are a result of companies who cannot get help. Help Wanted signs are everywhere, and restaurants closing by the hundreds.
Those bottlenecks are a result of companies who cannot get help. Help Wanted signs are everywhere, and restaurants closing by the hundreds.

So.... you think Biden should try to get people laid off so they can fill those jobs? Damn son, you are getting destroyed in this thread. You should quit while you're ahead.
When was the last time you went to the grocery store? When was the last time you ordered parts for just about anything mechanical?
Prices are still about double what they were when Biden took office. I see no drop in prices for ANYTHING and no reductions in sight.
Everything transported by truck have had gas surcharges added, store shelves are all but bare. Hell, even Walmart didn't have the cheese crackers I take to work.

I don't know why so many here choose to ignore this...Regular people are really hurting especially with the beginning of school....( And the number of jobs that remain every a tremendous problem)
Back to work? After the whole country was shut down! DUH!
There are "Help Wanted" signs at nearly every business. Why can't they find help?

You just proved his point. The reason is a glut of open positions and a shortage of workers to fill them. Remember that wonderful 3.5% unemployment rate? That's why. Even those with few skills are able to find decent jobs paying better than service industry jobs. Another reason is -- despite the lies about "open borders" and illegals running amuck through the country -- employers aren't hiring them like they used to. Why's that, do you think?
I don't know why so many here choose to ignore this...Regular people are really hurting especially with the beginning of school....( And the number of jobs that remain every a tremendous problem)

Because it is a bald faced lie. Any other questions?
Biden doesn't control gas prices. You didn't know that, did you? Read a fucking book.

These are ppl that pretend not to hear when they're told that the oil & gas companies are sitting on thousands of leases that they aren't exploiting. They think that Biden closing down the Keystone pipeline, which would have carried CANADA's oil through the U.S., is why prices went up. They steadfastly refuse to acknowledge that inflation is global, not just in the U.S. IOW they are willfully ignorant and intend to remain that way.