Get rid of Income tax

i fundamentally disagree from taking money from a dead man in the form of deathtax. part of my entire motivation to work my ass off in life is to give a better life to my kids so they can move up a class just like my parents did for me.

This is just another battlefront on the war against the American dream.

You are not taking it from a dead person a dead person owns nuthing, you are taking from live people who did nuthing to deserve the $.
I am all for lowering and getting rid of income taxes... but realistically they must be replaced by something.

Income taxes punish/harm those amung us who work the hardest and produce the most.

So where should the difference come from. I say inhertance tax because that is taxing those who did nuthin for the money that is being taken away from them other than being members of the lucky sperm club... Plus this idea would help getting rid of problems like George W. Bush.

Any better more fair ideas?

Do you want to work real hard all your life so you can make a better life for your family and pass on the fruits of your labor, which have already been taxed, to your children, or would you rather go through all that and have your wealth go to welfare moms or fighter bombs?
Umm tinfoil you mean it all just goes away? I guess the first 2 mill of tax exempt does not cover very many people ?
I think that number will not keep up with inflation and soon enough the middle class will e getting taxed as well.

Just think the whole idea is absurd considering it's double taxation.
I don't think so. I think it would be born again on the backs of the average person, while the wealthy would still have friends in manufacturing who get them black market goods.

Plus the ultra rich couldn't possible spend what they have, so none of it will come back. This is just another screw the little guy scheme.
My understanding is that the tax is at the manufacturing site, where raw materials gain value.
would a consumption tax also cover food and beverages ? Medical care ?

How about services like lawyers, child care, etc are they considered consumption taxable ?

would used items resold by consumers be consumption taxable ? Ie a used auto ?
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Happy reading.

As far as I'm concerned, when it gets to the part that says: "abolish the IRS as we know it", I was sold.

POO: I was incorrect about the point of manufacture; it is a point of sale.
I like the consumption tax plan, but I am not with you on the inherantance tax. Generational wealth transfers encourage lazy, unhappy people who get money they did not work for and dont deserve because they did nuthing for it.

It produces nairdowells like GWB...

You lost me with the word "deserve." Taxes should not be based on prejudice. And we as a nation are so passed "republican virtue" that your comments are just archaic as fuck.

Happy reading.

As far as I'm concerned, when it gets to the part that says: "abolish the IRS as we know it", I was sold.

POO: I was incorrect about the point of manufacture; it is a point of sale.

yep I figured you leaped before you looked. a typical right wing thing to do.

Fairtax ? That MAkes me wary right off the bat, kinda like the blue skies thing.
If something political has a real nice sounding name, bend over and get out the vaseline.

Your pipe dream will never happen.
well not in our lifetimes anyway.
yep I figured you leaped before you looked. a typical right wing thing to do.

Fairtax ? That MAkes me wary right off the bat, kinda like the blue skies thing.
If something political has a real nice sounding name, bend over and get out the vaseline.

Your pipe dream will never happen.
well not in our lifetimes anyway.

My how you label people. :cof1:

I agree with your last two points. 1. Example: Affirmative Action.
2. But we'll keep fighting for it.
Watch out for microchips.

I think they will microchip us for tax traceability and prevention of black markets.

Bad idea.

Taxes are unpopular and breed resentment today – as they undoubtedly always have and to some degree probably always will. Accordingly, some people will evade taxes no matter what the governing tax system, but there is no evidence – empirical7 or analytical – to suggest that the sales tax would not be complied with at a national level. Extant research and the empirical evidence suggest that the tax would increase voluntary compliance while reducing compliance costs. For example, much of the tax gap today is attributable to mistakes caused by the complexity of the law. Mistakes and confusion would be all but eliminated under a system that creates no exemptions and dispenses with the complex issues present today. And the FairTax improves all the known factors that bear upon noncompliance, including reducing the rate and the number of focal points. The more than 60 years of practical experience in administering sales taxes at the state level supports the assertion that the FairTax would be administrable at higher compliance rates relative to administrative and compliance costs.

Happy reading.

As far as I'm concerned, when it gets to the part that says: "abolish the IRS as we know it", I was sold.

POO: I was incorrect about the point of manufacture; it is a point of sale.

The flat tax would also kill the IRS as we know it... and it is a whole lot less confusing than the fair tax. That said, if I had to choose between the current system and the fair tax, I would take the fair tax in a heartbeat.
when you go ltoo simple with the system you end up fucking people unintentionally.

A flat tax never really ends up being a "flat tax" because of just this reason.

Desh, that is why you have a standard deduction as the only deduction. It keeps things simple so that we CAN'T get fucked over by the government or the wealthy. If you have a standard deduction of say 30k per working person, then the poor are protected against taxes and the wealthy cannot avoid the tax. The flat tax would be applicable to ALL sources of income.

Unlike our current system, the flat tax would be truly progressive AND it would treat everyone the same.... so it would also be fair.
That has been the american tradition for many years. Supported well by both parties too.

I know. Which is why I find it so hard to believe that people think we should give them MORE money. We the people are failing at OUR jobs. We continue to send the same types of morons to DC and then act shocked when they continue to bend us over.