He got Russian help in the election
He NEVER got the American people’s nod of approval
He instead cheated his way in
Yes real Americans hated him for that
Mueller didnt run the investigation Andrew Weissmann did. didn't you see Mueller testimony? the man was almost droolingTotally missed the point
As I noted above, your list is equally matched by a decade straight effort by the GOP to demagogue everything and anything regarding Obama/Clinton. America witnessed “investigations” into Solyndra, IRS bias, Fast + Furious, ACA rollout, Emails, and the endless often redundant “investigations” on BenghaziGate. And that is when Obama was in office, prior to that we saw inquires into his associates, religion, real estate, and of course, Birthism. Biden also, as soon as he became a candidate, innuendos were echoed and reinforced in their media regarding his family
In addition, we had public promises to make Obama a one term President and hopes that he fails at leading the country. Nearly a dozen times the call went up often in Congress to impeach Obama. He was attacked for everything from putting mustard on hamburger to wearing a tan suit
And by the way, as has been explained previously, Mueller was a Republican selected by a Trump appointee to a Trump Justice Dept, so take that one out of your complaints against Democrats
Dems had embarked on a bizarre, four-year litany of dreaming of impeachment, the emoluments clause,
the Logan Act, the 25th Amendment, fake FISA abuse, "Russian collusion" the Mueller special-counsel investigation, Stormy Daniels and Michael Avenatti, Trump’s tax returns, White Supremacy!, Recession! Russian oligarchs!
Whistle Blower! Impeachment & Aquittal! — and Lord knows what next -WAIT Impeachment again!
Why did the FBI not warm America about what the Russians were doing in the 2016 election?
Only Russo bot holes just dismiss facts
All Russo bot holes love only Putin
They hate everything else
He not a martyr as martyrs are killed for what they believe.
A lot of things can be true here. Democrats did say Trump was not a legitimate President. They did talk about impeaching him from the start. That's not bullshit.
And Republicans went after Obama etc.
You get so caught up in a partisan tribal mindset that you lose sight of the big picture. The end goal is power and as much as we may not want to believe it, for many the end (power) justifies the means. Thus supporting behavior when 'our side' does it and being against it when the 'other side' does it.
They hate science
They hate math
They hate history
They only love Putin
The entire world hates Putin
Except them
You've never has a science, maths or history lesson in your life. All you do is regurgitate the same old shit over and over.
Let me ask you a question, can you tell me what e^iπ equals? Should be easy for a maths genius like you!
You've never had a science, maths or history lesson in your life. All you do is regurgitate the same old shit over and over.
Let me ask you a question, can you tell me what e^iπ equals? Should be easy for a maths genius like you!
I agree. They have so much pent up anger materialising from a base of lying and duplicity. Like the pedophile in the police interview who knows he is a shite but just wont confess until it all gets too much for him.You're welcome because you and the other idiot leftists use words all the time and you either don't know what the words mean or you just attach your own fucking meaning to them which renders conversation with you useless.
Your fucks use the Austrian school of economics
The one that tries to do economics without math
Your side hates math
And science
And history
So what's the answer to the question I posed, maths genius? All you ever do is bullshit and bluster, that's your bag!