Get Up, Stand Up

they can cheat us but they can never own us

we have too many feet and hands

the feet walk

the hands reach out

they are the few

we are the many

But WE have the guns, that's why taking them from us is so important to you libs.
But WE have the guns, that's why taking them from us is so important to you libs.

RB-60 that just paranoia,only maybe 1% of the far left thinks America should try gun Prohibition.
It would work just like liquor Prohibition.
I can think of no better way to fill the streets of America with every kind of guns,then gun Prohibition.
Hell I never owned a gun,but I would if guns were prohibited.
RB-60 that just paranoia,only maybe 1% of the far left thinks America should try gun Prohibition.
It would work just like liquor Prohibition.
I can think of no better way to fill the streets of America with every kind of guns,then gun Prohibition.
Hell I never owned a gun,but I would if guns were prohibited.

I see RubberBand is once again going to his weird fantasy that we libs don't have guns. We do.

But that's not what this thread is about; it's about returning the power to the people. Leave it to the conservatards though to threaten to bring out the guns any time someone says it's time to take to the streets. Notice how when the Teatards were marching everywhere (some with guns), the libs weren't calling to shoot them?

They guy lived in an apartment.

Iconic MOTÖRHEAD Frontman LEMMY's Estate Worth Far Less Than Originally Thought: Report

According to Mirror, newly released records show that MOTÖRHEAD's iconic frontman Lemmy Kilmister only left his beneficiaries a few hundred thousand pounds at the time of his death — several million less than originally estimated.

The London probate office's figures indicate that Lemmy had an estate worth only £528,806 (approximately $650,000) when he died in December 2015.

Lemmy was originally thought to have had a substantial estate — estimated by some sources to have been around £6.75 million (around $8.28 million) — which is expected to earn royalties from his recordings worldwide for decades to come.

People like Top, and other cranky conservatives have been around posting obsessively since the Bush years. There are these types you speak of, but not here. Checkout Facebook, and other big time social media outlets, and you'll see them. Distorted news, and division, and hate driving blather is more what you get. It's not the same, as the poorly educated ramblings of random posters, you get on many political sites.

Putin started this plan long ago

top was Topspin here a decade ago

If they refuse facts repeatedly they on the Russian side

top spin has always refused facts

he knows I have been proven out to be the one who was correct many many times on here.

it seems NO FACTS can get inside their massively thick brain cases


because facts are not part of their plans for America.

they want it dead

if they were real people facts would have convinced them
Putin started this plan long ago

top was Topspin here a decade ago

If they refuse facts repeatedly they on the Russian side

top spin has always refused facts

he knows I have been proven out to be the one who was correct many many times on here.

it seems NO FACTS can get inside their massively thick brain cases


because facts are not part of their plans for America.

they want it dead

if they were real people facts would have convinced them

Unfortunately fact's have become like beauty, with them being in the eye of the beholder. Top is actually a female, so they are probably not Topspin, if they were a guy. I've seen some of these trolls, but they aren't here. Some trolls like Mishima, back on Amazon trolled, because of Anne Coulter saying they could demoralize us by doing such.
yes that is their aim

to send Democratic leaning voters into dispair and give up.

they are all with the russians now

that was the choice they made

they chose russia over their own countrys intel community

the community that just a while back they trusted to take us to war in Iraq.

now they think our entire intelligence community is evil and that Russian Intell is more trusted than ours

what kind of American would do that because a single TV station would tell them to do so?

a traitorous one.

a few assholes on TV lie to them and they are all of the sudden ready to follow Putin off a cliff.

those are not real Americans
But WE have the guns, that's why taking them from us is so important to you libs.

dear fucking idiot,

75% of Americans want guns to remain legal to own


this lie about peoeple wanting to take your gun is designed to give you a reason to threaten your fellow Americans

its fucking crap you dupe

black Americans are buying guns at an increased rate

no one wants to take your guns asshole

marching in the streets is legal

shooting people for marching in the streets is not legal

if you say you will shoot Americans for marching you have jsut said you will commit a crime you fucking lame assed traitor


you will noit shoot us

Unless you want to go to prison for the rest of your sad life.

fuck you very much
they can cheat us but they can never own us

we have too many feet and hands

the feet walk

the hands reach out

they are the few

we are the many

It's a good thing he passed when he did so his pothead rants couldn't occur any more.
dear fucking idiot,

75% of Americans want guns to remain legal to own


this lie about peoeple wanting to take your gun is designed to give you a reason to threaten your fellow Americans

its fucking crap you dupe

black Americans are buying guns at an increased rate

no one wants to take your guns asshole

marching in the streets is legal

shooting people for marching in the streets is not legal

if you say you will shoot Americans for marching you have jsut said you will commit a crime you fucking lame assed traitor


you will noit shoot us

Unless you want to go to prison for the rest of your sad life.

fuck you very much

March in the streets all you want. Stay off private property is a good piece of advice.
You can post all you want, but you're going to have to start being honest with yourself...And stop believing that your "words" have the slightest bit of influence on anyone in the real world.
This last rant was barely English, after all.
Perhaps a march would better suit your purpose...
Are you a stepper?

words are meaningless to assholes like you

facts are meaningless to you

if you are answering me and all the fucking cons here are so terrified of what I might say they hide froim me

why do all you fucks hide from me so much

because I shove the facts down your throats

I insist you give some facts to back what you say

you cant

so you fucks all hate me

your hate is my success asshole

anyone that reads tbis site sees you writhe in pain when when the FACTS are con fronting you

yes my words clearly make you evil lie filled traitors writhe in pain

that is what society should make all liars feel

publically shamed for their adherance to fucking lies instead of the facts
we march

you lose everything

you wait and see

Get to marching instead of running your dick sucker, bitch.

My advice stands on where you march.

All I've seen is you saying you're going to march. Typical Liberal. All talk and no action.
racists are the most hated people on the planet CFM

every one hates you

except other fucking racist scum