getting drunk tomorrow

Poor old frog got her stupid lame troll banned. Love it!

Yes. That is a big win for you. That really makes up for you showing your hillbilly ass all over this board the past couple of days. What with the big troll banning news, hardly anyone is talking about that anymore.
Yeah, I outted her. She made too many slip-ups. :eek2:

Shut up dummy. Outed her. You couldn't out Ellen. Frog outed herself with that name the first week she was using it.

Christ on a crutch you hags are constantly rewriting history. I've always said if they put your brains into a bird the poor son of a bitch would become so confused it would fly backwards into a tree.
Yes. That is a big win for you. That really makes up for you showing your hillbilly ass all over this board the past couple of days. What with the big troll banning news, hardly anyone is talking about that anymore.

Yes, talking like you and other miscreants certainly must have been fun. Why, I'll bet it warmed the cockles of your fat little dishonest heart to see that I too could use the word fuck :)
No doubt. Much like a cat to its own ass, alec has always been strongly aroused by her own filth.

Yes, scarface, you having the face of a cats ass would of course consider yourself the resident expert on all things related to a cats ass.

Them thar whiskers you sport weren't just a sireee, them's authentic.
Yes, scarface, you having the face of a cats ass would of course consider yourself the resident expert on all things related to a cats ass.

Them thar whiskers you sport weren't just a sireee, them's authentic.

Well, we do know that she was always aroused by Prakosh's filth. I won der if those whiskers get in the way?