Getting my Conceal Carry...


Staff member
Soon. I am currently taking a course on gun safety and conceal/carry...

Expensive, but so far it has been huge worth it.
Cheap here Damo. $45 for the course and $75 for the permit.
It depends on the class. I am taking an expensive one with some strong home-protection safe handling portions. When to pull, when not to. Etc. Far deeper than the required courses.
Ahh, yes a good idea.
We just passed the "sattle" law here. If someone enters your home illegally you are pretty much allowed to shoot em. You not longer have to prove your life was in danger.
I expect it will be somewhat misused, bur darned if I will run from anyone who breaks into my home. Which is pretty much what you had to do before to stay legal.

I had some shoot/noshoot training in the service and again after I got out when I worked law enforcement for a few years.
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It is uncomfortable to wear a gun on your hip. This is a whole new paradigm for me.

Today is the shooting portion.
It is a male thing Darla, some of us males actually feel that we need to protect our family. I know how archaic, but them I am pretty ancient ;)

It is uncomfortable to wear a gun on your hip. This is a whole new paradigm for me.

Today is the shooting portion.

Being that I carried a concealed gun(opp's I mean pistol-don't want confusion here) may I suggest Damo that you wear a calf holster...after all I am still suffering neurological nerve damage from carrying my gun(lol) on my hip for so many years:clink:

Where ya been battle ?
Long time no but heads with ya :)

Well I have been doing the Aussie 'Walk about' Thingee...checking out other boards on the internet..all seem to be the same though...'little clicks'...and love to hit the new matter what the political agenda...:)
Why do you feel you need to?
Being the collections person for an HOA filled with many a nutjob tends to get you threats that you know some will follow through if they have the opportunity. In order to protect myself it became necessary to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best.
Being that I carried a concealed gun(opp's I mean pistol-don't want confusion here) may I suggest Damo that you wear a calf holster...after all I am still suffering neurological nerve damage from carrying my gun(lol) on my hip for so many years:clink:
I was thinking of the behind the belt holster. The cops I know tell me it sits well and is easily concealed.
the littly mini 9's and 380's work well in the behind the belt holsters, if you don't have too much belly overlap.
I used to pack a little Tarus that way some.

I was thinking of the behind the belt holster. The cops I know tell me it sits well and is easily concealed.

Well ya..mid back holsters are comfortable...goes well...when wearing cut offs...but in the evening a calf holster is the best bet...a little slow when needed but hey...practice makes perfect...No??? and may I add I do have nerve damage from wearing a hip holster...really sucks in old age...;)

the littly mini 9's and 380's work well in the behind the belt holsters, if you don't have too much belly overlap.
I used to pack a little Tarus that way some.

Say what??? ya wore a under the belt in front...must have impressed the young ladies..9mm /380 to go...try it with a S&W 357 2 inch..really can put a damper on
Well ya..mid back holsters are comfortable...goes well...when wearing cut offs...but in the evening a calf holster is the best bet...a little slow when needed but hey...practice makes perfect...No??? and may I add I do have nerve damage from wearing a hip holster...really sucks in old age...;)

Old age just sucks, but it beats the alternative so far :D
I tested it with the teacher's holster. You can put a Glock 22 (.40 cal) behind the back and conceal it well.
Say what??? ya wore a under the belt in front...must have impressed the young ladies..9mm /380 to go...try it with a S&W 357 2 inch..really can put a damper on

My "gun" is already a magnum :D

Yep would have gotten crowded with 257 though.
The little flat mag Tarus is not very big.
I don't really have a concelaed carry pistol right now though. Just a western style revolver. That would not work too well.
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