Getting Real at Whole Foods

I saw this on FB the other day and laughed. My sister works for Whole Foods, and I love going in for a few things. But I'm not doing my regular grocery shopping there.
I saw this on FB the other day and laughed. My sister works for Whole Foods, and I love going in for a few things. But I'm not doing my regular grocery shopping there.

Same here. There's one a nice 1/2 hour walk from my house. I pick up some of their salad bar offerings and low salt products. Regular shopping? No way! Actually the things I buy there are superior to the big chains and the same or lower costs.
They have a 3 cheese focaccia bread that is the best I have ever tasted. And some things no one else carries. But definitally not a grocery store for the basics.
They have a 3 cheese focaccia bread that is the best I have ever tasted. And some things no one else carries. But definitally not a grocery store for the basics.

The expression 'whole foods' is often a misnomer. What does it mean? You get a whole tomato instead of half of one?
Concentrate your energies on GM foods, not whole or organic or anything. GM foods must be stopped. They are casting millions into poverty and leading to a big brother time when Monsanto et al will dictate what foods you eat, how much you pay and how long you live.
America the free? Bollocks. America the slaves to Monsanto.
Fight the world control bastards. The fight is more important than buying mrs. Smith's home grown potatoes.
The expression 'whole foods' is often a misnomer. What does it mean? You get a whole tomato instead of half of one?
Concentrate your energies on GM foods, not whole or organic or anything. GM foods must be stopped. They are casting millions into poverty and leading to a big brother time when Monsanto et al will dictate what foods you eat, how much you pay and how long you live.
America the free? Bollocks. America the slaves to Monsanto.
Fight the world control bastards. The fight is more important than buying mrs. Smith's home grown potatoes.

Whole Foods is the name of a grocery store chain. But I do agree about the need to stop genetically modified foods.
Whole Foods is the name of a grocery store chain. But I do agree about the need to stop genetically modified foods.

If the company calls itself Whole Foods that is even more reason not to trust them!

We have a car sales company called 'Honest Motors'.... mmm - I'd trust neither.
If the company calls itself Whole Foods that is even more reason not to trust them!

We have a car sales company called 'Honest Motors'.... mmm - I'd trust neither.

In my experience, Whole Foods is more likely to carry organic foods or foods which have had less processing. In some areas that doesn't matter to me, but in some it does.
Whole Foods is the name of a grocery store chain. But I do agree about the need to stop genetically modified foods.

All genetically modified foods and/or improvements? Seems to me this is the thinking of those 'concerned' parents that failed to have their children immunized:

Science for the win: New wheat variety beats superbug, has higher yield

Some 90 percent of the wheat grown in the world today is susceptible to a new form of wheat rust, a crop-killing virus dubbed the “polio of agriculture.”

Older forms of wheat rust spoiled crops for millenia before scientists developed varieties of wheat that could resist it. But recently agriculture researchers have become concerned about a nasty variant of wheat rust known as UG99 that is rapidly spreading beyond East Africa, where it was first found in 1999...

Modified wheat may or may not prove down the line to cause problems, but it's a known fact that lack of wheat due to disease will result in mass starvation in the poorest areas.
All genetically modified foods and/or improvements? Seems to me this is the thinking of those 'concerned' parents that failed to have their children immunized:

Modified wheat may or may not prove down the line to cause problems, but it's a known fact that lack of wheat due to disease will result in mass starvation in the poorest areas.

I strongly suggest you spend a little time looking at the consequences of the spread of G M foods. Look with an open mind, but try to understand that your present knowledge has almost certainly been fed to you by the GM lobby.
When you have spent some time studying come back with your thoughts.
In my experience, Whole Foods is more likely to carry organic foods or foods which have had less processing. In some areas that doesn't matter to me, but in some it does.

A company calling itself Whole Foods is suggesting that all the food on its shelves is 'whole'. What does that mean? Doas it mean they monitor their suppliers for correct animal husbandry and lack of laboratory modification? Does it mean that no chemicals are used?
Or does it mean they have recognised that people will, often in ignorance, pay more money for an 'organic' label. Where can you buy an unmodified cob of corn in America? Or an unmodified tomato? Where can you buy a steak guaranteed free of added hormones or fed on natural feed and allowed to roam free?
It may be that 'whole Foods' is what it says on the tin, but I bet they wouldnt allow you to inspect all their food suppliers with a film crew in tow!
I strongly suggest you spend a little time looking at the consequences of the spread of G M foods. Look with an open mind, but try to understand that your present knowledge has almost certainly been fed to you by the GM lobby.
When you have spent some time studying come back with your thoughts.

Like others have said, I opt for the most natural foods I can, but I will take modifications over starvation. Think of the pre-genetic days, like 19th C Europe or 20th C. Africa. Some problems are a combination of bad practices and mother nature. Some are just diseases doing what they do, but if there's an alternative to no wheat, most people would give it a thumbs up.
Like others have said, I opt for the most natural foods I can, but I will take modifications over starvation. Think of the pre-genetic days, like 19th C Europe or 20th C. Africa. Some problems are a combination of bad practices and mother nature. Some are just diseases doing what they do, but if there's an alternative to no wheat, most people would give it a thumbs up.

Sadly you have ignored my advice to research the subject for yourself and have, once again, quoted from the GM 'Happy Family' (ours not yours) Handbook.
Ask yourself this:
Why have tomatoes and apples changed in shape since you were young? Why are the 'best' cuts of meat so much more available now that years ago?
Then this::
What happens when you sterilise a farm so it grows only one produst with no weeds and no insects?
What happens when the farmer who supplies you with your food is prevented from holding over and planting his own seeds every year?
Find out what is happening in third world countries with natural (affordable) medicines.
Ask yourself why a handful of giant corporations (we use Monsanto as a generic) control more and more of the food you eat.
Ask yourself who, in these giant concerns cares whether you, Annie, live or die.
So no more childish self serving excuses. Open your eyes and look at what our children will inherit.
Sadly you have ignored my advice to research the subject for yourself and have, once again, quoted from the GM 'Happy Family' (ours not yours) Handbook.
Ask yourself this:
Why have tomatoes and apples changed in shape since you were young? Why are the 'best' cuts of meat so much more available now that years ago?
Then this::
What happens when you sterilise a farm so it grows only one produst with no weeds and no insects?
What happens when the farmer who supplies you with your food is prevented from holding over and planting his own seeds every year?
Find out what is happening in third world countries with natural (affordable) medicines.
Ask yourself why a handful of giant corporations (we use Monsanto as a generic) control more and more of the food you eat.
Ask yourself who, in these giant concerns cares whether you, Annie, live or die.
So no more childish self serving excuses. Open your eyes and look at what our children will inherit.

Obviously you are not in a position of needing food, so instead of asking yourself questions, perhaps ask some of the poorest of Africa, India, and China, genetically altered food or none? Then again, perhaps the poor don't deserve to answer?
Obviously you are not in a position of needing food, so instead of asking yourself questions, perhaps ask some of the poorest of Africa, India, and China, genetically altered food or none? Then again, perhaps the poor don't deserve to answer?

Ma'am you could not be further from the truth. Poor farmers in India are being made poorer by GM companies. Poor farmers in Kenya and the rest of Africa are being made poorer by GM companies. Poor farmers in China have nothing to do with GM foods but are still poor. GM foods make no one but the companies themselves rich.
Why? Lets take a poor Indian farmer as an example.
He has a field in which he grows product A. He has enough to feed his family. He manages his farm as his father and his father's father has done.
Enter stage right: Monsanto.
Monsanto show him how to be rich beyond his wildest dreams by killing everything that is not Product A and increasing his yield. For the first year he is just like you, as happy as a pig in shit. However, he finds that he is obliged to purchase Monsanto's own pesticide 'Round Up' and if he doesn't he is threatened. Threatened? I hear you ask. Yes. Because his GM seeds cannot be propagated for the next growing season he is forced to buy more seeds from.... Monsanto. Of course, if he has not fully co-operated by purchasing 'Round Up' he might find his seed supply suddenly in scarce supply. Monsanto say, and people like you believe them, farmers use less pesticide with GM foods. Wrong. They may use fewer (only Round Up) but, in fact MORE chemicals go onto the land than without.
So farmer Singh has a wonderful field of say wheat. Great. However his village come to him and say, 'For generations we have been gathering XYZ plant for medicine and now there is none.' No problem. They can buy medications like you do. Aspirin, Panadol instead of leaves and stalks which used to be just as efficient. But they have no money! So now, not only do they have no money, they have no medicines for the sick and elderly of their village. There are no insects in the fields and therefore no birds. No birds to fly and sing and no birds to eat.
Multiply that, Annie, by a thousand... a hundred thousand... a million! Can you not see how this works. Only Monsanto win.
And YOU eventually loose whatever choice you think you had. Apples do not naturally grow in identical shape, size and colour four to a pack. They are made to do so so the supermarkets can reduce their overheads and reduce their staffing levels. It puts people out of work.
So GM foods contribute to poverty. Poverty in third world supply countries and poverty in your own home town.
Wake up lady. Your worst nightmares are just around the corner. And the nightmare makers love you for helping them screw you over.
Ma'am you could not be further from the truth. Poor farmers in India are being made poorer by GM companies. Poor farmers in Kenya and the rest of Africa are being made poorer by GM companies. Poor farmers in China have nothing to do with GM foods but are still poor. GM foods make no one but the companies themselves rich.
Why? Lets take a poor Indian farmer as an example.
He has a field in which he grows product A. He has enough to feed his family. He manages his farm as his father and his father's father has done.
Enter stage right: Monsanto.
Monsanto show him how to be rich beyond his wildest dreams by killing everything that is not Product A and increasing his yield. For the first year he is just like you, as happy as a pig in shit. However, he finds that he is obliged to purchase Monsanto's own pesticide 'Round Up' and if he doesn't he is threatened. Threatened? I hear you ask. Yes. Because his GM seeds cannot be propagated for the next growing season he is forced to buy more seeds from.... Monsanto. Of course, if he has not fully co-operated by purchasing 'Round Up' he might find his seed supply suddenly in scarce supply. Monsanto say, and people like you believe them, farmers use less pesticide with GM foods. Wrong. They may use fewer (only Round Up) but, in fact MORE chemicals go onto the land than without.
So farmer Singh has a wonderful field of say wheat. Great. However his village come to him and say, 'For generations we have been gathering XYZ plant for medicine and now there is none.' No problem. They can buy medications like you do. Aspirin, Panadol instead of leaves and stalks which used to be just as efficient. But they have no money! So now, not only do they have no money, they have no medicines for the sick and elderly of their village. There are no insects in the fields and therefore no birds. No birds to fly and sing and no birds to eat.
Multiply that, Annie, by a thousand... a hundred thousand... a million! Can you not see how this works. Only Monsanto win.
And YOU eventually loose whatever choice you think you had. Apples do not naturally grow in identical shape, size and colour four to a pack. They are made to do so so the supermarkets can reduce their overheads and reduce their staffing levels. It puts people out of work.
So GM foods contribute to poverty. Poverty in third world supply countries and poverty in your own home town.
Wake up lady. Your worst nightmares are just around the corner. And the nightmare makers love you for helping them screw you over.

Without food, medicine whether natural, manufactured, bought, or given really won't matter. Can't go back to the 19th C., no matter how you might wish to, which you likely don't.

Wheat rust and other crop killers have caused starvation from the beginning of time. Perhaps that's the 'natural' you wish for a return to?
Without food, medicine whether natural, manufactured, bought, or given really won't matter. Can't go back to the 19th C., no matter how you might wish to, which you likely don't.

Wheat rust and other crop killers have caused starvation from the beginning of time. Perhaps that's the 'natural' you wish for a return to?

The people who you accused me of not caring for cannot go back to the 19th Century. They haven't got there yet!

It is not a choice between what you call 'natural' or GM. The choice is between Freaks of nature and total control of what you eat and who you are , and a life of respect for the planet and for each other.
Please, madam, do not continue with this crazy idea of yours. Admit for once, that there are things you do not know that perhaps you should. America is NOT representative of the rest of the world - honestly it is not. You cannot look at your local supermarket and assume that the rest of the world sees the same thing.
Do you know, for example, that parts of Africa are in dire poverty yet grow very healthy quantities of food? Reason? because European supermarkets demand tomatoes that are identical in size shape and colour and the poor farmers grow tomatoes like you grow in your garden. (and did the supermarket fruit taste as good as yours?)
Have you seen the wonderful 'glow-in-the-dark' rabbits? The cattle with huge double extended rumps that are so deformed they cannot mate naturally. Have you seen fish that mature in weeks and grow to several times what is natural? How about goats that give milk that produces spider's silk?
How about pigs so deformed they cannot walk even if they were allowed to?
I guess you haven't. This I can promise you, Annie, if you were to see some of the 'creatures' I have mentioned and others, there is a better than even chance that you would be physically ill.
Don't take my word for it.
Do your own research... I challenge you. No politics - life is more important.