Most of your arguments don't hold water.
#1. Health and Safety. How can you state that the health and safety aspect of GM foods cannot be adequately addressed? By what standard do you speak? All technologies have an implicit risk. Are automobiles constructed to the absolute best safety standards known and acceptable to all? No they are not, they would be to expensive to manufacture and most people could not afford them. They are built to an acceptable level of risk. You're comment is not reasonable as you do not define by what standard you define an adequate or acceptable level of risk or safety.
#2. That's a strawman argument because GM foods are not the problem here. Monocultures are. GM Foods my contribute to agricultures reliance on monocultures and you can make a valid argument that this practice, in the long run, is not cost affective or sustainable, but conversely recombinant technology can also be used to increase biodiversity and lessen the impact on agricultural monocultures. It's a matter of how you apply the technology and not the technology it self. In that respect, recombinant technology is no different then past practices of cross breeding, cloning and hybridization.
#3. Not only is that a strawman, like argument #2, but it also shows that your are uninformed about the current regulatory framework that regulates the introduction of new agricultural products and chemicals into the market place. In the first place the issue of corporate control is no different then the proprietary control that large agribusiness and chemical companies have on products like chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides and modified food strains that have been genetically engineered by age old techniques other than recombinant technology. Corporations invest large sums of money to develop these products and have a legitimate concern to protect their intellectual property. So in that respect recombinant technology is no different then other agricultural technologies that have been developed and invented. Secondly, before such products can be introduced into the market they have a host of regulatory requirements that they must comply with before those products can be put on the open market for use. They must pass the regulatory requirements established by the USDA, FDA and EPA. All three agencies have comprehensive and voluminous safety testing requirements, for new agricultural products, that must be met before then can be sold on the open market. This refutes nearly your entire third argument.
Recombinant DNA technology applied towards food production is no different then any other technology that has significant benefits. Along with those benefits it also carry's certain risks and potential harm that must be evaluated, recognized, understood and controlled to adequate and acceptable levels to protect human health and the environment. If these standards can be developed, implemented and met by those who develop GM food products, then their potential benefits can be hugely rewarding for humanity. You cannot discount this out of hand.