Girl that stood up to taliban asks nobel peace prize obama to cut back on droning

So you :rolleyes:

Why doesn't Obama just drone her? He's given himself the legal authority to murder anyone on the plant for any reason he sees fit, so why the fuck not? Is the lord of murder losing his balls?
I would still like somebody to tell me what the alternative is to using drones? Using Special Forces is incredibly dangerous and likely to provide valuable propaganda value if it goes wrong, think Black Hawk Down.

His about not killing anyone you see fit based on nothing but your own personal hunch? Whatever happened go the judicial branch of government? Why do we need arbitrary summary executions by the executive at all?
Why doesn't Obama just drone her? He's given himself the legal authority to murder anyone on the plant for any reason he sees fit, so why the fuck not? Is the lord of murder losing his balls?
to drone anyone in the US is possible, they would have to be deemed "imminent threat" where capture is not feasable; or too dangerous.

Classic ex. is someone in the process of poisoning a water supply - no time to capture, have to stop the "imminent threat"
His about not killing anyone you see fit based on nothing but your own personal hunch? Whatever happened go the judicial branch of government? Why do we need arbitrary summary executions by the executive at all?
9-11 gave the executive war powers to basically do as he sees fit, anywhere, anytime, for any "national security" reason.

Hey. I am just reporting, not agreeing with Battlefield Earth.