Girls only thread

Ladies what did you think when you first saw Mrs Obama's dress on election night?

I loved it!

She walked out with the daughter in red and he with the daughter in black!

It was perfectly coordinated!

Michelle steps out of the box and I like that! She doesn't have to be stogy just because she is first lady! She can represent the liberated woman!:clink:
I loved how they looked at each other and the embrace!

I just melted, I am so sentimental!

I was crying like Jessie!
Yeah, I agree with your friends. I hated it too. She needs to leave the dresses behind and start wearing suits.

Oh, booooooo, hisssssssss, I am glad she is stepping out and please don't wear suit, it is so last generation! Women should wear what they want!:clink:

I don't usually like her clothes. As far as clothing style on the campaign trail, I have to say I think Palin won.

Most of her clothes were stuffy! She had some fun things, and it is her style, so are swimsuits and formal!!! he he:pke:

I bet she would have gotten more votes if she had a time or two!
Most of her clothes were stuffy! She had some fun things, and it is her style, so are swimsuits and formal!!! he he:pke:

Well, that's the only thing I give the lady, is her clothing style. I like it and I could see myself in Sarah gear. M's not so much.
Well, that's the only thing I give the lady, is her clothing style. I like it and I could see myself in Sarah gear. M's not so much.

well, desh had the best word on this - who can't see themselves in 200k worth of Valentino?

putting aside clothes, michelle strikes me as the warmest first lady we've had in memory. I actually don't think that Laura bush is bad...she's probably an ok lady. But going back, Hillary clinton, Barbara bush (omg), and nancy reagan? Come on.

I was mentioning this to my mom, and she agreed. She thought back, and said that she thinks that Rosyln Carter was a warm, good hearted person. That sounds right.
I loved how they looked at each other and the embrace!

I just melted, I am so sentimental!

I was crying like Jessie!

i know. whoopi goldberg said that there's finally going to be some action in the white house master bedroom. lol. i think that's true, they're obviously very much in love, and not in an old fogey way.
well, desh had the best word on this - who can't see themselves in 200k worth of Valentino?

putting aside clothes, michelle strikes me as the warmest first lady we've had in memory. I actually don't think that Laura bush is bad...she's probably an ok lady. But going back, Hillary clinton, Barbara bush (omg), and nancy reagan? Come on.

I was mentioning this to my mom, and she agreed. She thought back, and said that she thinks that Rosyln Carter was a warm, good hearted person. That sounds right.

Michelle is definitely the smartest and probably easiest to get along with out of the bunch. Hands down.

I have to disagree with you on Laura. I think she's a big time pill head stoner.
Michelle is definitely the smartest and probably easiest to get along with out of the bunch. Hands down.

I have to disagree with you on Laura. I think she's a big time pill head stoner.

well, maybe you are right. but she strikes me as not a half-bad person. of course, it's terribly hard to say when you don't know someone so it's just a guess on my part.
I know its mean but I half expect the McCains to get a divorce soon.

I never saw McCain look at her with love in his eyes.......ever.

He can write a book and make big money of his own now.
You think she'll Paint her face?

I don't think she'll go rogue. I think you guys are projecting again.
I know its mean but I half expect the McCains to get a divorce soon.

I never saw McCain look at her with love in his eyes.......ever.

He can write a book and make big money of his own now.

Oh yeah. I actually started to feel sorry for Cindy at some point. I don’t like her, but still.