Giuliana is the target of a criminal probe

Once indicted he can choose to fight it, or do his best to lessen his sentence. Either way, it dont look very good for Rudy.

Ok, so what? You have a hard on for rudy and trump. That's about sick but who am I to say how someone should be their rocks off. But I will say this you will have to soothe yourself with rudy going to jail because you know trump won't be.
Ok, so what? You have a hard on for rudy and trump. That's about sick but who am I to say how someone should be their rocks off. But I will say this you will have to soothe yourself with rudy going to jail because you know trump won't be.

Dont hold your breath, honey bunch.
When will the trial begin? You can't really believe he will be tried for treason do you? LMBO. You maybe be stupid but you don't seem like a complete idiot, unless of course you really believe Trump will end up in jail.

Why not just admit you hate him and stop pretending you care about democracy and America. That I could respect but this play acting shit if yours is wearing thin. Nobody with a working brain buys it. I know I know leftist di t have any integrity so it will never happen. I still hold out how that one day one of you dingbats will finally fess up.

His crimes leave many paths to prison for him cement brain