Give Peace A Chance


Junior Member
Maybe this is one way to stop UN Peacekeepers from raping the citizens!

>>NEW DELHI -- The United Nation's first all-female peacekeeping force - made up of 105 Indian policewomen - is set to deploy to the troubled west African country of Liberia, an official said Friday

However, this is the first all-female peacekeeping team, and participants have said it would have unique advantages in conflict zones.

"Women police are seen to be much less threatening, although they can be just as tough as men. But in a conflict situation, they are more approachable and it makes women and children feel safer," Seema Dhundia, a unit commander, said recently
"Women police are seen to be much less threatening, although they can be just as tough as men. But in a conflict situation, they are more approachable and it makes women and children feel safer," Seema Dhundia, a unit commander, said recently"

and the studies that back up this statement can be found where??
what they fail to understand here is that when this team heads into a muslim conflict, the muslims will be outraged that women are in this position of authority. it will insite them to greater violence and terroris recruitment will go way out. didn't these people learn anything????
USCIT is classing a whole country based on a few people. Not all Indians wear the dots, only a small percentage. But US has never let facts get in the way of what he thinks.
what they fail to understand here is that when this team heads into a muslim conflict, the muslims will be outraged that women are in this position of authority. it will insite them to greater violence and terroris recruitment will go way out. didn't these people learn anything????
Not all Muslims have problems with women in authority, just as not all Christians buy into that "Adam's rib" crappola.

If I remember rightly, the conflict in Liberia is primarily tribal and economic, not sectarian. We're not talking about Islamists here.

P.S. I'm proud of you all. No one has yet made the "Give Piece a Chance" joke.
Why do you often see a Indian women with a red dot on her forehead?
The red dot is a symbol of her marriage. A North Indian woman wears a red streak on the parting of her hair. An unmarried woman sometimes wears a black dot on her forehead. This black colour is used to counteract the effect of the evil eye. If a lovely young girl gets too many compliments, Indians feel that some kind of harm may come to her, so this dot repels evil influences. Modern young misses match the dots on their foreheads with the colour of their saris today. This is not traditional but only a fashionable act.

Link for Indian Culture...
USCIT is classing a whole country based on a few people. Not all Indians wear the dots, only a small percentage. But US has never let facts get in the way of what he thinks.

Did I do that ? I ASKED if they would all have targets on their forehead.
Spin Toby Spin :)
Oh I was referring to the dot on their forehead, but not to all in India. That is why I ASKED if you thought they would all have targets/dots on their foreheads.
And aren't you being rascist or siomething by callin them dots ? I am sure there is a proper name. shame on you toby for slurring their religion.
Not all Muslims have problems with women in authority, just as not all Christians buy into that "Adam's rib" crappola.

If I remember rightly, the conflict in Liberia is primarily tribal and economic, not sectarian. We're not talking about Islamists here.

P.S. I'm proud of you all. No one has yet made the "Give Piece a Chance" joke.

ornoatabitwise, i guarantee you that if the all chick force is ever sent into a muslim conflict, that what i said would be an issue with the fanatical muslims. cuz if the muslims in the area wee not fanatic fundametalist, there would be no conflict in the first place. you comies have to open your eyes to see who these nutbags are. and don't go having sympaty for the so-called non fanatics. when wasw the last time you saw ANY muslim stand up adn speak against the fanatics??? the rest support the nutz with their silence.