Give Peace A Chance

Oh I was referring to the dot on their forehead, but not to all in India. That is why I ASKED if you thought they would all have targets/dots on their foreheads.
And aren't you being rascist or siomething by callin them dots ? I am sure there is a proper name. shame on you toby for slurring their religion.
They are not tattooed on. If a modern girl in India can change the color to match her sari it is clearly not a tattoo. Also, if an unmarried girl with a black dot can change it to red when she marries it also could not be a tattoo.
Sari, thanks Damo I had forgotten what it was called.

Toby it is no more rascist to make the observation that some indian women have Sari/dots on their foreheads than it is to say some Americans put fish stickers on their cars.
Just observations.
ornoatabitwise, i guarantee you that if the all chick force is ever sent into a muslim conflict, that what i said would be an issue with the fanatical muslims. cuz if the muslims in the area wee not fanatic fundametalist, there would be no conflict in the first place. you comies have to open your eyes to see who these nutbags are. and don't go having sympaty for the so-called non fanatics. when wasw the last time you saw ANY muslim stand up adn speak against the fanatics??? the rest support the nutz with their silence.
What about the fuckin' chickenshit cowardly Catholics and Pres-butt-erians who won't speak out against the hateful, fanatic Evangelicals? They're just a bunch of useless collaborators. Neuter 'em all together, I say.
Hmm all religions are made up of collabarators come to think of it...
Well, there is that. :D

Hip's trying to identify all Muslims with the violent, radical Islamists. This is absurd, of course, and so I answered it with all the deliberation and seriousness it deserved.
Slime poor HIP. to say he thinks Muslims are all violent, radical Islamistsis to ignore the point. Will Muslims allow women to be in authority? I think not.
Slime poor HIP. to say he thinks Muslims are all violent, radical Islamistsis to ignore the point. Will Muslims allow women to be in authority? I think not.
You think wrongly . . . again. Most Muslim nations aren't like Afghanistan under the Taliban, you know. In most Muslim nations today, women have largely equal rights under law.
I think that depends on the Muslim Toby.
All muslims are not alike, just as all Christians are not alike. Heck not even all Methodists are alike. Last year when I was attending a Methodist church we had a woman preacher. @ couples got up and walked out because they thought a woman should not be preaching.