Give Tax deduction for having abortions

The rural Chinese live in such a state that more children means more workers for the farm. Don't fall for the rural people are always stupid line. It isn't true in China either.
That's not at all what I was saying. That's why I qualified my post with "seriously."

It has nothing to do with rural people being stupid. Yes, children do often form the backbone of farm labor in undeveloped nations. It's a kind of slavery that is acceptable to most societies. ;) I was making a more general point than that, however.

As life expectancy and personal security increase in developed societies -- the natural result of increasing division of labor -- the drive for very large families tends to decrease. This is as true in urban populations as it is among rural people.
nahhhh, it is illegal immigrants that are crowding up our country...our birth rate has been going down for decades, maybe we should get a tax deduction for every illegal person we turn in that has been hired illegally by our businesses, and an extra tax deduction for turning the business in for breaking the law....

I don't really blame the illegal for wanting to earn a living, but I do blame our businesses that are breaking our own laws, INTENTIONALLY, for their own bottom line while raking us peons over the coals by making us pay the health benefits of his workers.... and by influencing congress to not prosecute them over the years and to turn a blind eye to them breaking THE LAW....

Countries like Australia, are actually paying women to have babies, so they can increase their birth rate.......they need more tax paying citizens to support their baby boomers retirement they promised...they are giving them the eqivalent of $1500-$2500 usa dollars I believe, plus a promise of paying their child's college and healthcare....

interesting, no?

Damn Commies!
There are too many people in this country. Think of the millions of extra people that would be crowding up the streets if abortion were illegal.

I think we should give tax deductions to people who choose to have an abortion. They are choosing to save our future and should be rewarded.

not that I agree but I love your style nonetheless :)
Would the tax deductions be unlimited ? And what if not enough income to file anyway ? Would married women be the same as unmarrried women ?