Didn't you know? Merely favoring a merit-based immigration system, automatically means you hate brown people. It was on all the news stations.
Oh yeah how could I forget!
Didn't you know? Merely favoring a merit-based immigration system, automatically means you hate brown people. It was on all the news stations.
black people help RUN the Democratic party idiot
they hold many positions of power within the party
by claiming black voters are just stupid and used by the democratic party you have announced your racism to the world
fucking idiot
give em just enough to keep em happy
you just announced your racism loud and clear
Talk to your President ... he doesn't appear to know the difference
I just did, and he agrees with me.
Can you give him a Message from Me?
Tell him I'll be at Chandler's Chophouse tonight for Dinner ... stop by and leave the Secret Service at The White House, I'll "drop him off" sometime in the night.
He said he's not interested in meeting with you or any whores.
Well we all know that's not true ... tell him secret is good with me.
I'll take his word over yours.