Glad we did not get Boulton, Dammit!

I'm keeping my powder dry, until the north koreans actually comply. Talk is cheap.

I remember about 18 months ago there was a "breakthrough" and bush fans were crowing about it.

Diplomacy can work. Bush is working to get the same deal we could have had four years ago. I hope it works out.

I think it's a good thing. Some problems cannot be solved, but only contained. There is no "solution for all time". But, we could have had this deal years ago and bush has always balked at it. So why now?

My personal opinion is that he agreed to this now because N. Korea is the only member of the "axis of evil" who actually has some nuclear capabilities. Shortly, we will be attacking Iran. Once we attack Iran, if we still held this belligerent attitude to N. Korea, and they were the only member of the "axis" we had not YET attacked...well, you see where that would be going.
When NK chose to kick out the inspectors they ended that first portion. The Inspectors were there to ensure that they had ended their weapons programs, they could not finish their job. All based on a single if/then statement that had they ended their program would have been moot.

Blaming the US for not holding up a bargain that the first condition had not yet been met is baseless.
Damo, you've gotten the order of events backwards. We reneged in 1995, when we failed to make even the initial progress toward providing the LWRs. There was an agreed upon timetable which we failed to meet. In fact, that was due to Congress' failure to honor Clinton's commitment but, from the NK point of view, reneging is reneging.

When we reneged, back in '95, Kim was in full compliance, so far as we know. It wasn't until seven years later that he finally ejected the inspectors.
I think it's a good thing. Some problems cannot be solved, but only contained. There is no "solution for all time". But, we could have had this deal years ago and bush has always balked at it. So why now?

My personal opinion is that he agreed to this now because N. Korea is the only member of the "axis of evil" who actually has some nuclear capabilities. Shortly, we will be attacking Iran. Once we attack Iran, if we still held this belligerent attitude to N. Korea, and they were the only member of the "axis" we had not YET attacked...well, you see where that would be going.
I pretty much agree with this assessment. I think we are heading to another undeclared mess of a war.
But it's not really funny. It is going to be a terrible mess. I hope he doesn't do it, but all signs point to full speed ahead.
Yep. Full speed ahead against a nation with more than three times the population and nearly four times the land area of Iraq.
Hmmm, just a thought.
Has anyone haeard the evil liberals saying "you are getting ......Dammit". ? Or the equivalent thereof ? Perhaps neocons are just assholes ?
Okay, finally Bush has gotten us back to where we were with President Clinton on the NK issue after years of moving in a negative direction... Can we finally move forward now.