Glen Beck is scum

why cant you even be nice when someones wife gets sick?

why does the right have to be so heartless all the time?
why did your party hold up aid for sandy victims yet immediately gave Ok money?

because your party is run by sociopaths
why did your party hold up aid for sandy victims yet immediately gave Ok money?

because your party is run by sociopaths

why did your party start demolishing damaged homes before giving time for owners to start fixing them? because your party is run by sociopaths.
why did your party hold up aid for sandy victims yet immediately gave Ok money?

because your party is run by sociopaths

They didn't hold up money. Blanco would not take the necessary steps because she was afraid of the optics of a democrat female being upstaged by a Republican male. Stop being so misinformed. I told you. You are out of your league when it comes to New Orleans and Katrina. Stop it.
why cant you even be nice when someones wife gets sick?

why does the right have to be so heartless all the time?

Cause its bullshit, all faked to give that worthless traitor an excuse for not doing his job, just like that fat bitch he replaced, totally useless piece of shit.