Glenn Beck: Education is bad, because the USSR supported education

Glenn Beck Cliffs:

- the soviet union promised free education. Therefore education as a right is bad.
- education is like putting paint on a chair

Why is it that conservatives are obsessed with making people stupider and stupider? We have enough proles in this nation

Glenn Beck = Rightwing Tool.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Article 26.

* (1) Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and professional education shall be made generally available and higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.


November 4, 1988


United States Senate
October 14, 1988
The Right is against anything being declared a "right" because that means everyone is entitled to it and the Right believes people are not entitled to anything. Period.

Just in your have the right to remain silent....please

Just a bunch of selfish, greedy, overbearing, controlling people who don't give a damn about anyone else.
No they don't. Rights are not part of nature, they are human created. They exist because we demand them.
This is not true. As humans became more educated and more advanced it allowed for some of our number to become thinkers. (an idea despised by much of the rightwing today. Plato, I am certain, would be derided today as part of the intellectual elite.) Slowly but surely we "discovered" for lack of a better word, that by our mere existence, and in reality devoid of any need for god, we are autonomous individuals and as such, no person should be enslaved by others, forced to think like others, required to worship as others. I need to no god to give me the right to my thoughts and to speak them as I see fit. I don't need god to know that I have a right to keep my personal shit private and that no man or group of men have the right to invade my personal shit absent some threat to their existence. We do not DEMAND our rights. We insist that we have them, and at times, groups of us come together to put down those that would deprive us of them. But even if we are weak, and know that we have rights but cannot defend them, we have them nonetheless, and our oppression makes them no less real. Further, even if a group of people grow up oppressed, and never learn of these rights, they still exist. They exist in each of us as autonomous human beings. From time to time in those horribly oppressed societies, one or too people will grasp this and die trying educate others that they exist.
.Just in your have the right to remain silent....please

Now that you bring it up one also has the right not to display their ignorance in their sig line. While you may believe posting "It makes me feel better to know the idea of unique DNA determining a human being is nothing but nonsense. Plain and simple, it is an argument based on a lie. --- APPLE0154" is ridiculing me it's obvious you are the ignorant individual.

Some human beings have two sets of DNA ( There was one legal case involving a woman with chimerism, who was proven not to be the mother of her own children. Later discovery of embryonic cells with different DNA disproved the earlier DNA results. and others, such as identical twins, who have identical DNA (Although identical twins have the same genotype, or DNA, they have different phenotypes, meaning that the same DNA is expressed in different ways.

Therefore, the idea that unique DNA is the determining factor of whether one is a human being is nonsense. It's unfortunate you display your ignorance for all to see.
Now that you bring it up one also has the right not to display their ignorance in their sig line. While you may believe posting "It makes me feel better to know the idea of unique DNA determining a human being is nothing but nonsense. Plain and simple, it is an argument based on a lie. --- APPLE0154" is ridiculing me it's obvious you are the ignorant individual.

Some human beings have two sets of DNA ( There was one legal case involving a woman with chimerism, who was proven not to be the mother of her own children. Later discovery of embryonic cells with different DNA disproved the earlier DNA results. and others, such as identical twins, who have identical DNA (Although identical twins have the same genotype, or DNA, they have different phenotypes, meaning that the same DNA is expressed in different ways.

Therefore, the idea that unique DNA is the determining factor of whether one is a human being is nonsense. It's unfortunate you display your ignorance for all to see.

/gets tired of Apple's senseless argument and beats him to death with it......
Beck lives in a created world in which he can manipulate whatever he likes. In the real world he stands as one large contradiction. I sometimes turn him on for the comedy, and if my wife (teacher for over 25 yrs) is near I berate her for brainwashing our children. She knows she does it and all the other teachers know they do it too, so I ask them why they are destroying America? Why I shout! Why! ... Darn these guys in white jackets are at the door, be back soon....
This is not true. As humans became more educated and more advanced it allowed for some of our number to become thinkers. (an idea despised by much of the rightwing today. Plato, I am certain, would be derided today as part of the intellectual elite.) Slowly but surely we "discovered" for lack of a better word, that by our mere existence, and in reality devoid of any need for god, we are autonomous individuals and as such, no person should be enslaved by others, forced to think like others, required to worship as others. I need to no god to give me the right to my thoughts and to speak them as I see fit. I don't need god to know that I have a right to keep my personal shit private and that no man or group of men have the right to invade my personal shit absent some threat to their existence. We do not DEMAND our rights. We insist that we have them, and at times, groups of us come together to put down those that would deprive us of them. But even if we are weak, and know that we have rights but cannot defend them, we have them nonetheless, and our oppression makes them no less real. Further, even if a group of people grow up oppressed, and never learn of these rights, they still exist. They exist in each of us as autonomous human beings. From time to time in those horribly oppressed societies, one or too people will grasp this and die trying educate others that they exist.

You're a pompous idiot gasbag. We do indeed merely have rights only if we demand them and succeed in procuriting them through force. You don't have a right if it's taken away, and the world is full of totalitarians trying to take them away.
His hand movements and stuff reminded me very much of a televangelist. I wonder if he watches those guys and gets some of that "showmanship" from them.

BTW - That really was what the cover of what he was holding said in Russian...
pretending a rare anomaly negates an entire field of science is not "education".....

It's not about an entire field of science. It's about the twisting of what science has determined. It's about the outright lies people perpetuate and lies they are because I have posted links showing they are wrong and they still continue with the lies.

One exception is all it takes to show something is not definitive, not the final word, not qualified to be considered as "unique". But desperate people resort to all kinds of fabrication and contorting of facts trying to hold on to their misguided beliefs.
It's not about an entire field of science. It's about the twisting of what science has determined. It's about the outright lies people perpetuate and lies they are because I have posted links showing they are wrong and they still continue with the lies.

????, your posts ARE the lies.....don't you understand that yet?......the things you raise don't negate anything......they are trivial obstacles you toss from the back of the truck to interfere with traffic......
Now that you bring it up one also has the right not to display their ignorance in their sig line. While you may believe posting "It makes me feel better to know the idea of unique DNA determining a human being is nothing but nonsense. Plain and simple, it is an argument based on a lie. --- APPLE0154" is ridiculing me it's obvious you are the ignorant individual.

Some human beings have two sets of DNA ( There was one legal case involving a woman with chimerism, who was proven not to be the mother of her own children. Later discovery of was proven not to be the mother of her own children. disproved the earlier DNA results. and others, such as identical twins, who have identical DNA (Although identical twins have the same genotype, or DNA, they have different phenotypes, meaning that the same DNA is expressed in different ways.

Therefore, the idea that unique DNA is the determining factor of whether one is a human being is nonsense. It's unfortunate you display your ignorance for all to see.

the idea that unique DNA is the determining factor of whether one is a human being is nonsense.

1. Some human beings have two sets of DNA

2. was proven not to be the mother of her own children.

3. identical twins, who have identical DNA

Well, well....which of your facts proves DNA is not the determining factor
of whether one is a human ?????


- the soviet union promised free education. Therefore education as a right is bad.- education is like putting paint on a chair

Why is it that conservatives are obsessed with making people stupider and stupider? We have enough proles in this nation

he never said that

as if there aren't dumbass libs grind :pke:
the idea that unique DNA is the determining factor of whether one is a human being is nonsense.

1. Some human beings have two sets of DNA

2. was proven not to be the mother of her own children.

3. identical twins, who have identical DNA

Well, well....which of your facts proves DNA is not the determining factor
of whether one is a human ?????


You do like to spin things but it doesn't work with me. You forgot the word "unique" when asking your question. Well, I'm sure you didn't forget it. You deliberately left it out otherwise you would look foolish.

The argument was unique DNA was the determining factor when my point was humans can have two sets of DNA or two people can have identical DNA.

That's why I specified "unique".

That's why I mentioned the case of the woman whose DNA "proved" she couldn't be the mother of her biological children. I included that case and links so any sane individual would understand what I was referring to but, as usual, there is always some jackass who will try to twist things.

Do carry on with your foolishness.
You do like to spin things but it doesn't work with me. You forgot the word "unique" when asking your question. Well, I'm sure you didn't forget it. You deliberately left it out otherwise you would look foolish.

The argument was unique DNA was the determining factor when my point was humans can have two sets of DNA or two people can have identical DNA.

That's why I specified "unique".

That's why I mentioned the case of the woman whose DNA "proved" she couldn't be the mother of her biological children. I included that case and links so any sane individual would understand what I was referring to but, as usual, there is always some jackass who will try to twist things.

Do carry on with your foolishness.

So what was that age that you think the human body begins dying??