Global Cease-Fire Call Grows as Israel Wages 'War Against Hospitals' in Gaza | CD

It's still blood lust.

That said, Israeli troops have infiltrated Hamas' nests under hospitals and in tunnels. This is what needs to be done, but I can't believe the mass casualties were necessary.
Bibi has nothing to lose. Hamas did him a favor. He was in the process of taking over the courts that were about to find him guilty of fraud and other 'trump-like' crimes.

Suddenly, he is free to operate without public scrutiny. There were nationwide protests before the terror attack, that were aimed at ousting him.

I had heard a bit about how he wasn't exactly popular before October 7th. Based on the article I linked wot with archives back in post 7, there are still those who are protesting his most recent actions, but it seems to be getting drowned out by this war with Hamas and the lack of much media coverage.
I'm not completely sure what you're trying to convey. I think what the Hamas military wing did on October 7th was terrible, and I think that Israel's current genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is also terrible. Would you agree with that?

The people experiencing the terror know best as to what's terrible.
My opinion as to that is irrelevant.

You do mention two things that back up my argument as to the absence of any good guys in the scenario.

I don't think that there's any common ground to be found between the parties involved.
They will fight indefinitely, or until one side is completely gone.

All we need to do as individuals is decide for ourselves which side we'd rather see surviving.

If we're looking for pie-in-the sky peace between them,
then we're not realistically considering the situation.
The people experiencing the terror know best as to what's terrible.
My opinion as to that is irrelevant.

You do mention two things that back up my argument as to the absence of any good guys in the scenario.

Technically, I didn't rule out good guys. It's more that I recognize that both Israel's government and Hamas (or at least its military wing) have done terrible things.

I don't think that there's any common ground to be found between the parties involved.

Here I strongly disagree. I definitely think there is common ground. I think there are some people who are uniquely good at seeing it. Unfortunately, they're definitely not in the majority. Below is a good article that I think gets to a large part of the problem- there are so few people on both sides that are working on peaceful solutions. But there are some, and with that, there is hope.

Peace Is for Suckers | The Free Press

I also think that Nuseir Yasin, an Israeli Arab with Palestinian roots and who calls himself an Israeli Palestinian, did a great video on the situation 6 years ago:

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Speaking of Nuseir Yasin's videos, I think the following one that he did a month ago shortly after October 7th was good too:

Like I told archives, I think it's time we start acknowledging that Israelies are not all in favour of what's currently happening in Gaza.
You are totally correct. This is why I have coined the term "Team Israel" because it denotes all of those, both Israelis and not, who are simply behind their team 100%, no matter how much they cheat, no matter what fouls they commit, no matter how unsportsmanlike they play. Team Israel excuses all atrocities and war crimes committed by the IDF ... just because.

Meanwhile, as you point out, there are Israelis who are not on Team Israel. Some humanitarian Israeli groups are passing out digital cameras to Palestinians and asking them to capture evidence of war crimes. One has to acknowledge that the country of Israel has a large percentage of racist bigots who are proud to virtue-signal their bigotry, but one must also recognize that the country of Israel has many citizens who are not racist shits, and who take great umbrage at the genocide their country is perpetrating against Palestinian civilian noncombatants because of that bigotry (while dishonesty stating lame quips as justification, e.g. "We were attacked by Iran!", "We must defend ourselves!","You have to know when to put a rabid dog down!", etc...).

The Israelis you mention are simply not on Team Israel, they are not bigoted HATERS, and generally oppose genocide as you and I do.

Great point.
Hamas was against the way Israel has been treating Palestinians and the fact that they keep taking Palestinian lands. Those are fair objections. There is no mechanism in place to rectify those problems. Israel was certainly going to continue with that.
I'm not completely sure what you're trying to convey. I think what the Hamas military wing did on October 7th was terrible, and I think that Israel's current genocide of Palestinians in Gaza is also terrible. Would you agree with that?

Genocide ? been hearing that for years

Hamas was against the way Israel has been treating Palestinians and the fact that they keep taking Palestinian lands. Those are fair objections. There is no mechanism in place to rectify those problems. Israel was certainly going to continue with that.

Hamas goal is to eradicate all Jews as stated in their charter

Many times the Pals rejected peace for land deals

A Short History of Palestinian Rejectionism
I think it's a mistake to think of Israel as uniform in opinion in terms of what the Israeli military is doing in Gaza right now. That's akin to thinking that Americans are all onboard with the massive amount of weapons that they're giving Ukraine. Now I know that the mass media does a great job of burying the fact that there are many Israelis who are opposed to what's being done in their name, but if you look hard enough, you can find the evidence. Take this article, for instance:

Thousands protest in Israel calling for an end to the bombing of Gaza |

Israel has always had a segment of their population that disagrees with the treatment of Palestinians. Those in the military who will not go along with the ruthless policy are called Refusniks.
Guno צְבִי;5857495 said:
Hamas goal is to eradicate all Jews as stated in their charter
Irrelevant. The Palestinian civilian noncombatants don't have any charter. The IDF is simply eradicating them for the thrill of it.
Guno צְבִי;5857495 said:
Many times the Pals rejected peace for land deals
Clearly this is ample justification for perpetrating genocide upon Palestinian civilian non-combatants.
