Global fry-up.


Satire for Sanity

Planetwide heatwave sets all-time temperature records across the world

All-time world-wide heat records set this week

Global warming to blame for ‘worldwide record-breaking heatwave’

Scorching Earth: Global warming to blame for all-time heat records being set worldwide, as experts warn stifling temperatures will continue to soar

Heat wave smashes records around the world — a look at the sizzling temperatures


Deadly heat waves becoming more common due to climate change

By the numbers: The heat records broken across the world this week

Fake news. In maggot-world, all is kewl.
Friday Funny: Scottish “record high temperature” caused by Ice Cream Truck

From the “I scream, you scream, we all scream for higher temperatures” department. Yesterday, Paul Homewood and I went on a collaborative search to find the weather station at Strathclyde Park which had it’s all-time Scottish high temperature record denied by the Met Office, to no avail. It just wasn’t easily visible. One of Paul’s readers went to the scene and took photos, but it isn't just the photos, it’s what he found out. Photo credits to Duncan McNeil. Read on.


Anemometer and Wind Vane at Strathclyde Aquatic Center – click to enlarge

Stevenson Screen (where temperature is measured) at Strathclyde Aquatic Center boat yard – click to enlarge

Stevenson Screen at Strathclyde Aquatic Center – click to enlarge

Aerial view (annotated) Strathclyde Aquatic Center – – Google Earth click to enlarge

However, the Met Office posted a blog post on Thursday noting “subsequent information has cast some doubt on the Motherwell measurement for that day, meaning that we will not be able to accept it as an official new record for Scotland.” So what happened? It turns out exhaust from a nearby vehicle may have heated up the weather station that reported the record-breaking heat.
“At first review the Motherwell record appeared plausible given the wider conditions on the day and was therefore reported as such. However for all new records we undertake further careful investigation to ensure that the measurement is robust. This investigation includes statistical analysis of the station data, evaluation against neighbouring sites, and in some cases an additional site visit to check for unexpected issues with the instrument enclosure or equipment to ensure the measurement meets our required standards.”

“Unfortunately in this particular instance we have evidence that a stationary vehicle with its engine running was parked too close to the observing enclosure and the Stevenson screen housing the thermometers during the afternoon of 28th June,” the Met Office explained. “Although the measurement appears plausible given the weather conditions that day we cannot rule out the potential for contamination of the measurement by this non-weather-related factor,” officials wrote.
Funny how you castigate the Daily Mail, yet use it as evidence when it suits you! Stick to Joo baiting, it's more your bag!!

The Daily Mail clip is just there to stick it to you, maggot.
Even your primary-source gutter-sheet is calling you a climate moron.

It's spelled ' Jew ', incidentally- and my beef is with ' Israel' , not with Jews.

Where were we ? Ah yes;


Have a good wriggle, old scab.
The Daily Mail clip is just there to stick it to you, maggot.
Even your primary-source gutter-sheet is calling you a climate moron.

It's spelled ' Jew ', incidentally- and my beef is with ' Israel' , not with Jews.

Where were we ? Ah yes;


Have a good wriggle, old scab.

Sorry sonny, but you just don't have the chops to discuss climate science. Maybe if you watched this video you might just get up to speed? I would suggest that you start at 19:40 and listen to climatologist Judith Curry outline the case against climate hysteria.

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Dead man walking. You've been Daily Nailed, maggot.
Your gorm is gone.
The parrot of denial is deceased.

Haw, haw.....haw.
Even for a millenial you are especially lightweight and inconsequential.

Is that so.
I'll have two ice-cream cornets and a neapolitan wafer please, Luigi

Haw, haw......haw


Planetwide heatwave sets all-time temperature records across the world

All-time world-wide heat records set this week

Global warming to blame for ‘worldwide record-breaking heatwave’

Scorching Earth: Global warming to blame for all-time heat records being set worldwide, as experts warn stifling temperatures will continue to soar

Heat wave smashes records around the world — a look at the sizzling temperatures


Deadly heat waves becoming more common due to climate change

By the numbers: The heat records broken across the world this week

Fake news. In maggot-world, all is kewl.
Japan floods: 'Extreme danger' amid record rainfall

Parts of western Japan hit by deadly floods and landslides are facing unprecedented danger as more downpours are expected, officials warn.

"We've never experienced this kind of rain before," a weather official said.

More than 60 people are dead and dozens missing after record rainfall caused rivers to burst their banks in Hiroshima and other areas.

Two million people have been ordered to evacuate. PM Shinzo Abe said rescuers were "working against time".

Fake news. In maggot-world all is kewl.
Friday Funny: Scottish “record high temperature” caused by Ice Cream Truck

From the “I scream, you scream, we all scream for higher temperatures” department. Yesterday, Paul Homewood and I went on a collaborative search to find the weather station at Strathclyde Park which had it’s all-time Scottish high temperature record denied by the Met Office, to no avail. It just wasn’t easily visible. One of Paul’s readers went to the scene and took photos, but it isn't just the photos, it’s what he found out. Photo credits to Duncan McNeil. Read on.


Anemometer and Wind Vane at Strathclyde Aquatic Center – click to enlarge

Stevenson Screen (where temperature is measured) at Strathclyde Aquatic Center boat yard – click to enlarge

Stevenson Screen at Strathclyde Aquatic Center – click to enlarge

Aerial view (annotated) Strathclyde Aquatic Center – – Google Earth click to enlarge

However, the Met Office posted a blog post on Thursday noting “subsequent information has cast some doubt on the Motherwell measurement for that day, meaning that we will not be able to accept it as an official new record for Scotland.” So what happened? It turns out exhaust from a nearby vehicle may have heated up the weather station that reported the record-breaking heat.
“At first review the Motherwell record appeared plausible given the wider conditions on the day and was therefore reported as such. However for all new records we undertake further careful investigation to ensure that the measurement is robust. This investigation includes statistical analysis of the station data, evaluation against neighbouring sites, and in some cases an additional site visit to check for unexpected issues with the instrument enclosure or equipment to ensure the measurement meets our required standards.”

“Unfortunately in this particular instance we have evidence that a stationary vehicle with its engine running was parked too close to the observing enclosure and the Stevenson screen housing the thermometers during the afternoon of 28th June,” the Met Office explained. “Although the measurement appears plausible given the weather conditions that day we cannot rule out the potential for contamination of the measurement by this non-weather-related factor,” officials wrote.

According to noted climatologist Donald J. Trump all this global warming is apparently a Chinese hoax.

One thing is for dead certain: Climate deniers would rather see harm come to their grandchildren and to the environment, than admit they were wrong to anonymous internet posters they will never meet.
According to noted climatologist Donald J. Trump all this global warming is apparently a Chinese hoax.

One thing is for dead certain: Climate deniers would rather see harm come to their grandchildren and to the environment, than admit they were wrong to anonymous internet posters they will never meet.

Emotional bullshit. According to that other noted climatologist Al Gore, the Arctic was supposed to be ice free in Summer by 2012.
I don't tolerate fools like you.

Well, you also don't post anything on this board. You always pawn yourself off as some sort of "expert" on climate, but you post the same links and have no thoughts of your own, then frantically insult & whine in post after post when you're called out at all.

I don't know why you waste time here. It should be a board for people who actually want to think & debate.
Well, you also don't post anything on this board. You always pawn yourself off as some sort of "expert" on climate, but you post the same links and have no thoughts of your own, then frantically insult & whine in post after post when you're called out at all.

I don't know why you waste time here. It should be a board for people who actually want to think & debate.

So fuck off then, I won't respond to your bollocks in future!! I have tried to have debates before but nobody appears to want to know.