Global fry-up.

Why is it position on what appears to be black roof top when most of the rooftop seems much lighter anyway?

The Stevenson screen is at ground level. A more pertinent question is why are NOAA and GISS still using surface temperatures when satellite troposphere monitoring is far more accurate, less liable to 'adjustments' and is available for every square inch of the planet 24/7. So what does Dr. Roy Spencer who maintains the University of Alabama Huntsville (UAH) satellite dataset have to say?


Summer Causes Climate Change Hysteria

July 3rd, 2018

Summers in the U.S. are hot. They always have been. Some are hotter than others.Speaking as a PhD meteorologist with 40 years experience, this week’s heat wave is nothing special.

But judging from the memo released on June 22 by Public Citizen (a $17 million per year liberal/progressive consumer rights advocacy group originally formed by Ralph Nader in 1971 and heavily funded by Leftwing billionaire George Soros’s Open Society Foundations), every heat wave must now be viewed as a reminder of human-caused climate change. The memo opines that (believe it or not) the news media have not been very good about linking weather events to climate change, which is leading to complacency among the public
The June 22 memo focus was on the excessive heat in New York state, so let’s begin our journey down Hysteria Lane there. The official NOAA average maximum temperatures for every June since 1895 in New York looks like this:

Fig. 1. Average June maximum temperatures in New York state for every year from 1895 through 2017 (Source: NOAA)

The long term trend is not statistically different from zero. June 2018 is not yet available at the NOAA website, but from what I’ve seen for the global June Climate Forecast System map at, it looks like it was near the long-term (20th Century) average.

The memo also made mention of the widespread record warmth the U.S. experienced in May, 2018. New York had it’s 7th warmest May on record this year, and the long-term linear warming trend there since 1895 is weak (0.22 F/decade) and not statistically different from zero at the 95% confidence level. The May warmth in the U.S. was regional, as expected for weather variations, with much of Canada being exceedingly cold:
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So fuck off then, I won't respond to your bollocks in future!! I have tried to have debates before but nobody appears to want to know.

Every time you've launched into your racist and capitalist screed you've been ass-whacked.
Fuck off. See you, Jiminy.
Every time you've launched into your racist and capitalist screed you've been ass-whacked.
Fuck off. See you, Jiminy.

I first dealt with your sort at uni four decades ago, you're just a Marxist throwback still spouting the same old bullshit I heard back then.
I first dealt with your sort at uni four decades ago, you're just a Marxist throwback still spouting the same old bullshit I heard back then.

'Marxism ' maggot ? You're really showing your age, you Imperialist old duffer.
'Marxism ' maggot ? You're really showing your age, you Imperialist old duffer.

With age comes wisdom, well usually anyway. In your case I somehow doubt it though, you'll probably be spouting the same crap in your dotage like Iolo.
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Krill companies cut Antarctic fishing

The overwhelming majority of krill companies are to stop fishing in vast areas of the Antarctic Peninsula.

Krill are important because they are at the base of the food chain: whales, penguins, seals and squid all eat the tiny, shrimp-like crustaceans.

Other species, such as albatross and killer whales are indirectly dependent.

The decision to stop krill fishing off the peninsula follows pressure by campaign groups, including Greenpeace.

The animals also help to offset the effects of climate change, removing the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through their consumption of carbon-rich algae near the surface.

Deniers should not worry. You'll still be able to get your krill fix from the Maggot Krill Company.
Tad warm, anybody ?


Five places that have just broken heat records

' The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) says. '

"Episodes of extreme heat and precipitation are increasing as a result of climate change," it says. "Although it is not possible to attribute the individual extreme events of June and July to climate change, they are compatible with the general long-term trend due to rising concentrations of greenhouse gases."